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HomeCentres of ExcellenceWhat is APHC?Let’s protect what is priceless

Let’s protect what is priceless

Let’s protect what is priceless

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Scientists estimate the value of one human body to be 6 trillion dollars. That is how priceless human life is. At the Apollo Hospitals Group, we have dedicated ourselves to protecting this precious gift of life.

In today’s fast paced life. staying healthy is a challenge. Health has a new enemy called the NCDs (Non Communicable Diseases). A Tsunami of NCDs is threatening to overwhelm the world. Incidences of Obesity, Diabetes, Strokes, Cancer, are increasing at an alarming pace, across social strata and age groups.

Every 1.3 seconds someone in the world dies because of lifestyle diseases. As per a WHO report, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, cancers and other NCDS cause 60% of deaths in India. The cost of NCD burden on the world would be $35 trillion by 2030. NCDS kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. NCDS not only affect health, but also reduce productivity and hamper economic growth.

Let’s prevent Lifestyle Diseases. All these diseases are not only preventable. but can be predicted and mitigated if detected early.

Let’s together declare war on NCDs. And ensure the Health and Happiness of our people, our organizations, and our society stays protected.

40% of hospital beds are filled with those suffering from NCDs, often called lifestyle diseases. The rising incidence of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is especially affecting the health of corporates. Because these diseases are manifesting at increasingly younger ages, striking employees in their most productive years across the social and demographic strata.

A skewed work-life balance, tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets, incorrect eating habits, lack of sleep, all these and more contribute and become participating factors.

UPDATED ON 14/05/2024

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