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Best Nephrectomy Doctors in Mysore

Nephrectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the partial or full removal of the kidney. Kidney doctors recommend the procedure to treat conditions like kidney cancer, irreparable damage due to infection or trauma, and in cases of kidney donation for transplantation. Doctors for nephrectomy commonly utilise laparoscopic, robotic, or open surgery techniques under general anaesthesia.

People in Mysore can find skilled kidney doctors for nephrectomy with extensive experience in the field. The doctors are especially proficient in laparoscopic and open partial nephrectomies.

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Dr Raghavendra M


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English, ಕನ್ನಡ, ತುಳು

19 years experience overall

Kuvempunagar & VV Mohlla , Mysore

SUN- SAT(06:00 AM-06:30 AM)
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Frequently Asked Questions for Nephrectomy in Mysore

You can live a normal and healthy life with just one kidney. The remaining kidney compensates for the loss, and as long as it functions well, there are usually no adverse effects on your overall health or lifespan. However, regular check-ups are recommended to monitor kidney function.

In a nephrectomy, either a portion (partial nephrectomy) or the entire kidney (radical nephrectomy) is removed. The adjacent structures like the adrenal gland and nearby lymph nodes may also be removed if necessary.

The duration of a nephrectomy procedure can range from 3 to 4 hours, depending on the complexity of the case and the surgical approach used. Minimally invasive techniques may take less time compared to traditional open surgery.

Yes, nephrectomy is considered major surgery. It involves the removal of all or part of a kidney, which requires careful planning, specialised surgical techniques, and post-operative monitoring to ensure a successful outcome.

The most common reason for nephrectomy is kidney cancer. Other reasons include severe kidney disease (such as end-stage renal disease), non-functioning or damaged kidneys, and kidney transplantation.

Yes, kidney removal, also known as nephrectomy, is a major surgery. It carries certain risks, such as bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding organs, and complications related to anaesthesia. However, with proper preoperative evaluation and skilled surgical techniques, risks can be minimised.

Eligibility for nephrectomy depends on the specific medical condition and the recommendation of the doctor. Generally, individuals with kidney diseases, kidney cancer, or those who wish to donate a kidney for transplantation may be considered for a nephrectomy.

There are many hospitals that specialise in nephrectomy procedures. It is best to choose one with experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and a good track record in performing kidney surgeries.

The duration of nephrectomy depends on various factors such as the complexity of the case and whether it is performed using traditional open surgery or minimally invasive techniques. On average, a nephrectomy can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours.

After nephrectomy, you may need to take pain medication, rest well, and schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon. It is important to follow any dietary restrictions and physical activity limitations provided by the doctor to ensure a smooth recovery.

Preparation for nephrectomy may include fasting before the surgery, stopping certain medications that increase bleeding risk, and undergoing preoperative tests such as blood work and imaging studies. Your doctor will give specific instructions tailored to your situation.

The recovery time for nephrectomy varies depending on the extent of the surgery and your overall health. In most cases, patients stay in the hospital for a few days and take 6 to 12 weeks to fully recover.

The success rate of nephrectomy depends on various factors such as your overall health condition, the reason for the procedure and the surgeon’s expertise. Generally, nephrectomy has a high success rate with rare chances of complications.

To find the best doctors for nephrectomy, you can ask for recommendations from your primary care physician, consult with friends or family members who have had similar procedures, or research online for doctors specialising in urology or transplant surgery.

Nephrectomies are typically performed by qualified urologists or transplant surgeons who specialise in kidney surgeries. They have expertise in performing this procedure and managing any complications that may arise.

A doctor who performs a nephrectomy is usually a urologist or a transplant surgeon. They have completed medical school and a training program in urology or minimally invasive surgery. They may also have additional specialised training in kidney transplant surgeries.

Nephrectomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to remove one or both kidneys. It is done by nephrectomy specialists to treat kidney diseases or kidney cancer or to conduct kidney transplantation.

Conditions for which Nephrectomy is Performed:

Renal doctors recommend nephrectomies for the following medical conditions:

1. Kidney Cancer: This can necessitate a nephrectomy if the tumour is localised to prevent the spread of cancer cells.

2. Chronic Kidney Disease: In certain advanced cases where treatment isn’t effective, removing the damaged kidney can prevent further complications.

3. Severe Kidney Infection: When antibiotics prove ineffective against a severe infection, a nephrectomy might be required to prevent it from spreading.

4. Polycystic Kidney Disease: This genetic disorder causes the growth of multiple cysts in the kidneys, leading to organ enlargement and dysfunction. A partial or full nephrectomy might become necessary to improve quality of life.

5. Kidney Donation: A healthy kidney is taken from a living donor through a nephrectomy.

How is a Nephrectomy Conducted at Apollo Hospitals in Mysore:

At Apollo Hospitals in Mysore, one can find proficient doctors for nephrectomy who use advanced techniques for surgical procedures. Here’s how a typical nephrectomy is performed:

1. Preoperative Evaluation: Patients undergo blood tests, urine analysis, and imaging studies to ensure they’re fit for surgery.

2. Anaesthesia: General anaesthesia is administered before the procedure commences.

3. Surgery: Depending on the patient’s health condition and the kidney’s state, the doctors for nephrectomy may opt for open surgery or a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach with smaller incisions.

4. Kidney Removal: The affected kidney is surgically removed, along with surrounding structures if required.

5. Postoperative Care: The patient’s recovery is carefully monitored, including blood pressure, kidney function, and wound healing.

How to Choose the Best Specialist for Nephrectomy in Mysore:

Identifying the best laparoscopic nephrectomy or open partial nephrectomy doctor in Mysore hinges on their credentials, practical experience, and reputation. Highly experienced urologic surgeons are adept at performing nephrectomies with precision. They have successfully executed numerous procedures throughout their careers and are adept at performing nephrectomies using advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology.

Why Plan your Nephrectomy with Apollo Hospitals?

Apollo Hospitals in Mysore provides comprehensive care and support for patients undergoing nephrectomy. The combination of state-of-the-art facilities, experienced specialists, and a commitment to patient satisfaction makes it a top choice for kidney-related medical needs. Trusting Apollo Hospitals means entrusting your health to highly skilled and proficient doctors who ensure optimal outcomes for their patients.

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