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HomeTestimonailsBariatric SurgeryMr. Sanjey Dey, Guwahati, India

Mr. Sanjey Dey, Guwahati, India

Bariatric Surgery

“I was shocked to know that I weighed 348 kgs when I measured myself on arrival at Apollo Hospitals and was suffering from severe sleep apnoea, arthritis and compulsive eating habits. I was rejected as a candidate fit for surgery all across the nation due to the high risk involved and non-availability of facilities. Dr. Rajkumar Palaniappan explained about the new Robotic obesity technique introduced for the first time in India and its availability in Apollo. He also explained the possibility of a safer surgery on me by this technique. Internet search showed it to be the safest minimally invasive option and I agreed for the same. He successfully performed the surgery on 31 April. I happened to be heaviest patient operated in the whole of Asia. I recovered well and yesterday for the first time in few years walked to the toilet myself. I am happy for having decided to come to Apollo Chennai and being treated under the great surgical hands of Dr. Rajkumar Palaniappan. I will always be grateful to him.”

Mr. Sanjey Dey

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