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HomeDiabetes Clinic Control

Diabetes Clinic Control


The Centre for Comprehensive Diabetes & Endocrinology is the best centre for treating & managing diabetes and endocrine disorders in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The team of highly experienced and skilled clinicians with cumulative experience of 10 decades of managing diabetes and endocrinology at ApolloMedics Lucknow also offer consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services in the management of thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, disorders of physical growth, adrenal disorders, disorders of male and female hormones. The department offers a wide range of treatments for endocrine and metabolic diseases along with under or overproduction of hormones, menopause, lipid disorders, weight disorder, hypertension, short stature (lack of growth) and early detection of endocrine cancers. the team renders comprehensive care and non-invasive diagnostics and therapeutic services to all the patients.

Insulin Management

Apollo Medics centre for diabetes management is the best centre for customized management of insulin in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Expert clinicians with over 10 decades of experience in insulin management help patients choose the best possible insulin regimens for their glucose profile and lifestyle- a perfect example of personalized care. At Apollo centre for Diabetes management, we provide patients with the latest information regarding insulin, its advantages and other recent advances in the field and also provide comprehensive education and training to enable self-reliance in the intake of insulin injections.

Thyroid Management

ApolloMedics Centre for thyroid management is one of the best centres in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh for early diagnosis and complete treatment of thyroid disease. At Apollo Centre for thyroid management, clinicians specialize in early diagnosis and provide customized treatment of thyroid and thyroid-related disorders such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. the centre not only boasts of advanced diagnostics and pathology for identifying thyroid disease but also complete medics and surgical solutions for treating simple to complicated cases of thyroid diseases.

Post-Covid Management Rehabilitation

Apollo Medics Centre for Post covid Management and rehabilitation management is one of the best centres in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh for early diagnosis of post covid related complications such as

  • Cough
  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain
  • Memory, concentration or sleep problems
  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Dizziness while one is in a standing position.
  • Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities.

At Apollo centre for Thyroid Management clinicians specialize in early diagnosis and provide customized treatment for analyzing, identifying and treating the complications related to Post covid.

Diabetes Diet Management

Apollo Centre for Diabetes Management has the best-certified nutritionists who under the expert supervision of clinicians provide customized diet & nutrition plans for diabetic patients. Apollo centre for Diabetes management provides Dietary services, Diet counselling and Diet analysis which contribute significantly to the control of diabetes by prescribing a suitable diabetic diet, thus enabling better management of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Weight Loss Diabetes Management

Apollo Centre for Diabetes Management has the best certified physiotherapists who under the expert supervision of clinicians provide customised exercise plans for diabetic patients for weight loss.

Apollo Centre for Diabetes Management provides the most advanced analysis of body weight and its impact on your diabetes. We provide customised exercise plans under the supervision of physiotherapists and clinicians which contribute significantly to the control of diabetes, thus enabling better management of both type-1 and type-2 diabetes.

Apollomedics Hospitals Lucknow has incorporated one of the most advanced centres for physiotherapy and rehabilitation which offers excellent specialists combined with ultramodern infrastructure. The centre has been the most preferred one for diabetic patients who want to undergo weight loss under expert supervision.

Diabetes Foot Care

The department of podiatry/diabetic foot care deals with the accurate diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ankle, foot and lower limb in patients having a diabetic problem. The team specializes in expert management skills and taking complete care of diabetic foot ulcers which are in the form of an open wound that occurs on the bottom part of the foot in diabetic patients.

The Apollo Centre for Diabetes Management also provides super speciality surgical and reconstructive care for wounds, ulcers and lacerations. Apollo Lucknow has one of the best plastic and reconstructive specialists in the region who specialize in the Debridement of diabetic wounds and its comprehensive dressing

Apollo Hospital Lucknow also offers advanced Flap surgery and graft surgery for deep wounds caused due to uncontrolled diabetes and poor foot care which exposes nerves, tendons, muscles and bones. Apollo Hospital Lucknow also specializes in revascularization surgeries in order to improve blood circulation which can be caused by clogged arteries hence, allowing less blood to pass through.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Apollo Centre for Diabetes management has a Diabetic retinopathy unit which is considered one of the best diabetic retinopathy units in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. The Centre provides constant eye care for diabetic patients. It involves routine screening of diabetics to detect retinopathy. If detected early patients can be managed medically by ultramodern FFA and laser treatment, thereby preventing further decrease in vision.

The Centre also provides expert management of macular oedema and Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy through Anti VEGF drugs like Avastin and Lucentis. Apollo Centre of Diabetes has one of the best vitreous retinal surgery teams which provides the best surgical solutions to Patients presenting at a later stage with decreased vision due to vitreous haemorrhage and tractional retinal detachment and require vitrectomy.

Doctor’s Profile

Dr. Mayank Somani

(MD&CEO) Chief Consultant Critical Care, Emergency Medicine & Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine

Dr. Ajaya Kumar

Director Medical Services – Chief Consultant
Internal Medicine, Critical Care & Emergency Medicine

Prof. Ramesh C. Ahuja

Director Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine
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