Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men in Uttar Pradesh. It usually affects men in their 50s – 60s and beyond, but is now progressively found in men of a lower age group as well. The common problems arising in this gland include benign (non-cancerous) enlargement or cancer of the prostate. The risk factors include older age, family history and obesity. Prostate cancer grows slowly and initially remains confined to the organ. However, in certain cases, the growth is rapid and can spread quickly to other organs.
Early detection allows patients to choose from a range of treatment options, with excellent outcomes. Treating prostate cancer requires a team of experts from Medical, Radiation, and Uro-Oncology who are aligned to follow protocols of international standards. Apollo Hospital Lucknow is one of the best centres for the treatment of Prostate cancer the availability of oncologists,uro-oncosurgeons and radiation specialists makes Apollo Hospital Lucknow the best hospital in Lucknow & Uttar Pradesh for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer include:
- Trouble urinating
- Decreased force in the stream of urine
- Blood in semen
- Discomfort in the pelvic area
- Bone pain
- Erectile dysfunction
Having any of these symptoms does not mean it is cancer, but if one or more of them is noticed for more than 2 weeks, then a doctor must be seen and an immediate health screening is a must.
In many cases, prostate cancer causes no symptoms till it is advanced. So periodic checks with Digital rectal exam (DRE) and the Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test are recommended. Elevated PSA levels can be an indication of cancer, infection, inflammation or non-cancerous enlargement. Transrectal Ultrasound is done for further diagnosis. Apollo Hospital Lucknow has all the advanced diagnostics modalities for identifying prostate cancer which makes Apollo Hospital Lucknow one of the best hospitals for the treatment of prostate cancer. The biopsied tissues are examined to evaluate the grade of prostate cancer by Gleason score. A bone scan, CT, MRI or PET CT followed by a Biopsy is done to confirm the diagnosis. Men diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer may not require treatment right away. Only active surveillance is required in a few cases.
Treatment Options
At Apollo Hospitals Lucknow, we offer a 360-degree approach to treat and cure diseases like cancer. The treatment options available at Apollo Hospital Lucknow are
Radical Prostatectomy for prostate cancer involves removing the prostate gland, some surrounding tissue and a few lymph nodes. At Apollo Hospital Lucknow Advanced laser is used for surgery of the prostate which makes it one of the best hospitals for the treatment of Prostate Cancer. Laser prostatectomy allows the surgeon to make more precise movements with surgical tools as compared to traditional open or minimally invasive surgery.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy can be delivered either by a linear accelerator, to accurately target tumour involves placing many rice- sized radioactive seeds in the prostate tissue, delivering a low dose of radiation over a longer period of time. Radiotherapy can be delivered using the advanced True beam machine available in Apollo Hospital Lucknow which can almost eliminate long term side effects such as urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. It reduces radiation to the bladder by 60% and also minimises the risk of secondary cancers by 50%.
A few patients additionally require Hormone therapy or chemotherapy for complete elimination of prostate cancer which can be done easily at Apollo Hospital Lucknow., Either for a short or long course. A holistic Oncology team approach is the best way to fight prostate cancer.
Why Choose Us
Apollo Hospital Lucknow is one of the recognised centres for best treatment of Prostate Cancer. Cancer Treatment at Apollo Hospital Lucknow has a multidisciplinary team of doctors (Surgeons, Radiation oncologists & Medical oncologists) who address all dimensions of treatment, for the best outcome.
For any query related to Prostate Cancer or to book an appointment with our Prostate Cancer Experts,
Please contact our 24×7 Cancer Care Helpline: 8429021812 or 8429029838.
Doctor’s Profile
Dr. Saket Pandey
Radiation Oncologist
Dr. Shashikant Gupta
Kidney Transplant
Dr Shailendra Gupta
Dr. (Maj) Sujeet Shekhar Sinha
Dr. Animesh Agrawal
Dr. Amit Pandey
Dr Mayank Mohan Agarwal
Dr (Col) Anannya Dutta
Dr. Zeeshanuddin Ahmad’s
Dr Sathish Kumar Anandan
Dr. Harshit Srivastava