Apollo Lifeline : 1800-419-1066

Critical Care

Critical Care

Apollomedics Department of Critical Care

Apollomedics Department of Critical Care is a recognised Level-1 Centre for all critically and terminally ill patients. It constitutes a devoted team of critical care doctors who deal with seriously ill patients. We have 24×7 emergency and trauma services with the best physicians and surgeons. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and boasts a 110-bedded ultra-modern ICU with state-of-the-art facilities. Our multi-disciplinary doctors are equipped to handle all kinds of medical eventualities, including multiple organ failures, severe breathing difficulty and severe trauma injuries.

Apollomedics Super Speciality Hospital has the best NICU & PICU Facility in Lucknow. The Institute follows global infection control protocols, making Apollomedics infection rates comparable to the best hospitals in the world. Our highly trained critical care experts provide safe, consistent and continuous pre-operative care to sick patients undergoing complex cardiac, neuro, ortho, transplant, trauma, cosmetic and minimally invasive surgeries in our 12 state-of-the-art operation theatres.


Critical Care Helpline: +91-8429029838

Critical Care Helpline: +91-8429021812


What we treat

  • Sepsis
  • Multi-organ failure
  • Respiratory failure & Acute respiratory distress
  • Acute renal failure
  • Trauma/Multiple trauma and injuries
  • Post-surgical complications
  • Burn cases
  • Brain Stroke
  • Shock

Speciality Critical Care Services Include:

    • Complete and comprehensive care for any heart emergencies-cardiogenic shock, POST BYPASS COMPLICATIONS, cardiac arrhythmia, with rapid-to-do balloon time.
    • Management of all types of shock state
    • Management of cardiorespiratory arrest by a dedicated CPR team
    • Thrombolytic therapy for acute pulmonary, thromboembolism and acute ischemic stroke
    • All kinds of sepsis including oncology, post-transplant, immunocompromised patients
    • Renal and hepatic failure care
    • Neurological emergencies of all kinds
    • All kinds of surgical and obstetrics emergencies
    • Polytrauma: which includes head injury, extensive chest trauma, abdominal injury, orthopaedic emergency and facial trauma
    • Care for pre-operative high-risk patients, intra and post-operative complicated patients (including care of complicated GI, orthopaedic, neurology & surgery, oncology, bariatric surgeries and acute pancreatitis)
    • TPN (Total Parental Nutrition)
    • Continuous renal replacement therapy: specialised dialysis for shock state patients and for patients who cannot tolerate intermittent dialysis due to poor tolerability.
    • Care for poisoning patients.
    • Palliative care (Pain relief) for the terminally ill.
    • Intermediate care at HDU (High dependency unit)


Highlights of the unit

  • 24×7 availability of trauma team specialists in handling all injuries and trauma
  • A dedicated team of intensivists and critical care specialists – 24×7
  • Quality health care in strict adherence to international guidelines and benchmarks
  • Stringent infection control policies
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure & technology
  • Accessibility to a multi-disciplinary team of specialists
  • 24×7 critical connect helpline – 1800 419 1066
  • ACLS Ambulance with critical care specialists and ambulance command centre.
  • Best NICU & PICU Services
  • Advanced Isolations room for controlling virus Infection | Swine Flu.

Critical Care Is Supported By Advanced In-House

  • Critical Care Is Supported By Advanced In-House
  • Radiology Services-24×7 availability of CT scans, MRI, X-rays, Ultrasounds etc.
  • Pathology Services
  • 24×7 availability of experts from all speciality including Heart, Brain, Bone & Joint, Stomach, Cancer, Respiratory problems

Procedures Routinely Performed In Our ICU:

  • Non-invasive and invasive hemodynamic monitoring
  • Intra-aortic balloon pump placement
  • Temporary pacemaker placement
  • Non-Invasive and invasive mechanic
  • Difficult airway management
  • Percutaneous tracheostomy
  • Fiber optic bronchoscopy
  • Inter-Costal drainage
  • Percutaneous gastrostomy and G.I. Endoscopy
  • Haemodialysis/SLLED/ CRRT
  • Intra-abdominal pressure monitoring
  • Bedside 2D echo Doppler & ultrasonography including F.A.S.T for trauma
  • Pain management


  • Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU)
    We provide the most specialised care and advanced technology available to hospitalised cardiac patients, including echocardiography and ventricular assist devices. This ICU specialises in treating patients with heart ailments and critically ill cardiac patients, such as cardiac arrest, heart attack, heart failure, and MI. A Team of certified cardiologists, intensivists and a dedicated team of specialists and nurses with advanced training and experience in caring for heart patients. We are committed to providing the best care and outcomes for our patients while also caring for their families and support systems which makes Apollomedics the best cardiac (Heart) ICU centre.
  • Neurological Intensive Care Unit (Neuro ICU)
    We specialise in providing the best neuroclinical care to patients suffering from subarachnoid haemorrhage, acute ischemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, subdural hematomas, coma, tumours, trauma severe or prolonged seizures, neuro-infections, and spinal cord injury, among other conditions. Apollomedics is one of the best neurocritical care centres which provides the most advanced neuro monitoring techniques, electroencephalography, and neuroimaging and both in surgical & trauma neuro services. Our neurocritical care team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and collaborates with neurosurgeons, interventional neuroradiologists and stroke neurologists to provide the best possible care for all neurosurgical and neurological emergencies.
  • Trauma intensive care unit (Trauma ICU)
    The ICU caters to patients with multiple trauma, road accidents, industrial accidents, limb detachment, industrial burns (less than 40%), and oral maxillofacial facial trauma to any part of the body. Patients with injuries require surgery as a result of their accident and require our highest level of intensive care. All kinds of trauma require immediate surgical treatment with the highest level of critical care along with board-certified trauma surgeons and both adult & paediatrics teams of orthopaedics, neurosurgeons, anaesthesia, thoracic and plastic surgeons.
  • Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)
    Critically ill patients in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) receive excellent patient-centred care from intensivists (doctors who specialise in treating intensive care patients) who practise medicine as a multidisciplinary team. Nurses, physician extenders, recovery therapists, nutritionists, and palliative care specialists make up our intensive care team. The SICU provides critical-care patients with high-level intensive care from specialists affiliated with General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Vascular Surgery, Gynaecology-Obstetrics, Transplantation (liver, pancreas, bowel, and kidney), and Urology. The SICU has a long history of quality patient care and a diverse range of nursing practices. The SICU team is well-trained and equipped to handle a wide range of healthcare issues that can jeopardise patient safety and hospital operations.
  • Transplants ICU
    Our TICU specialises in caring for patients with acute and chronic liver and kidney failure, as well as patients who require liver, kidney, small bowel, bone marrow, heart, and lung transplants. We also accept referrals from many area hospitals for post-transplant patients to help them provide with a higher level of care required for critically ill patients
  • ICU for Infectious Diseases
    We provide the most specialised care and advanced technology to all the patients requiring isolation treatment. We have specialised isolated beds for patients suffering from infectious diseases such as SAARS, H1N1, and other severe viral diseases. All the Critically ill patients in isolation ICU receives special medical attention and excellent patient-centred care from certified ICU care doctors.
  • Medical ICU
    Patients with medical conditions that necessitate frequent observation, specialised monitoring, and medical treatment are cared for in the medical intensive care unit.

Why choose Apollomedics

Apollomedics Hospitals works towards the patient-centric approach to provide world-class services to everyone with our state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure. We have the most latest technology equipment like Bi-Plane Cath Lab, LINAC and others to handle each and every emergency situation. Our 24×7 emergency and trauma services with ambulance facilities make our hospital the best hospital in Lucknow.

Doctor’s Profile

Dr. Ajaya Kumar

Dr. Ajaya Kumar

Senior Consultant
Internal Medicine, Critical Care & Emergency Medicine
Dr Sciddhartha Koonwar - Paediatrics

Dr. Sciddhartha Koonwar

Senior Consultant
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