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Heart bypass surgery at apollo hospitals lucknow
HomeCentres of ExcellenceHeart Bypass Surgery

Heart Bypass Surgery

Coronary bypass surgery Or Heart Bypass Surgery

Coronary bypass or heart bypass surgery is an advanced heart surgery which is performed to redirect blood flow in heart of either one or more partially or completely blocked artery. Coronary bypass or heart bypass surgery is done to improve blood flow in muscle of heart. In the heart surgery, a healthy and clean vessel is taken from leg, arm or chest and is connected to blocked arteries in the heart to improve the blood flow in heart. In this procedure the surgeon take a healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm or chest and connect it away from the blocked arteries in your heart.

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Coronary bypass or heart bypass surgery in lucknow is often prescribed in following situations.

  • When there are blockages in multiple arteries of heart.
  • When left main artery (left main artery supplies blood to multiple arteries) is completely blocked or is narrowed down significantly.
  • When the blocked artery is so narrow that it is difficult to put a stent in it.
  • Blockages developed over the years in artery post angioplasty which cannot be re-opened by inflating balloon also if stenting of artery is not a viable option.

Types of coronary bypass surgery done in Apollo lucknow:

  • Off-pump or beating-heart surgery: This procedure allows surgery to be done on the beating heart using special equipment to stabilize the area of the heart the surgeon is working on this is most advanced modality of Heart bypass surgery and mostly all heart bypass surgery are performed on off pump basis.
  • Minimally invasive surgery:  A heart surgeon performs coronary bypass through small incisions in the chest, At Apollo hospital lucknow, our surgeons use advanced equipment and video imaging that help them operate in small area. The type of minimally invasive surgery called as port-access or keyhole surgery.
  • Minimally invasive bypass surgery in lucknow  or key hole bypass surgery is regularly performed in Apollo Lucknow .in minimally invasive bypass surgeries are preferred as in such surgeries blood loss in minimum and patient recovers rapidly.


After the surgery, most patients feel better and might stay symptom-free for long time like 10 to 15 years. Over the time, there can be a possibility that other arteries or even the new graft used in the bypass shall clogged, which leads to require another bypass or angioplasty.

The results and long-term outcome depends on the part of taking your medications properly to prevent arterial blood clots, control blood pressure, controlled cholesterol and help control diabetes as suggested, and follow healthy lifestyle recommendations, including these:

  • Stop smoking.
  • Start taking healthy-eating plan, like DASH diet.
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Manage stress.

Why Choose Apollomedics

We have done 300+ bypass surgeries in previous year. For the best results and post operation stabilisation-we have dedicated ICU with highly experienced team of doctors, nurses and technicians. We have done First Awake Open Heart Surgery in the eastern Uttar Pradesh. Institute of cardiology at Apollo hospital lucknow is providing round the services and regularly doing bypass surgery in lucknow with excellent results.

Coronary bypass surgery

Coronary bypass surgery redirects blood around a neighborhood of a blocked or partially blocked artery in your heart to enhance blood flow to your cardiac muscle. The procedure involves taking a healthy vessel from your leg, arm or chest and connecting it beyond the blocked arteries in your heart.

Although coronary bypass surgery doesn’t cure the center disease that caused the blockages (atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease), it can ease symptoms, like pain and shortness of breath. For some people, this procedure can improve heart function and reduce the danger of dying of heart condition.

Why it’s done

Coronary bypass surgery is one option if you’ve got a blocked artery to your heart.

You and your doctor might consider it if:

  • You’ve got severe pain caused by narrowing of several of the arteries that provide your cardiac muscle , leaving the muscle in need of blood during even light exercise or at rest.
  • You’ve got quite one diseased coronary artery, and therefore the heart’s main pumping chamber — the ventricle — isn’t functioning well.
  • Your left main coronary artery is severely narrowed or blocked. This artery supplies most of the blood to the left ventricle.
  • You’ve got an artery blockage that temporarily inserting and inflating a small balloon to widen the artery (angioplasty) isn’t appropriate, you’ve had a previous angioplasty or placement of a small wire mesh tube (stent) to carry the artery open that hasn’t been successful, or you’ve had stent placement, but the artery has narrowed again (restenosis).


Because coronary bypass surgery is a heart surgery, you would possibly have complications during or after your procedure. Possible complications include:

  • Bleeding
  •  Heart rhythm irregularities (arrhythmias)
  • Infections of the chest wound
  • Amnesia or troubles with thinking clearly, which frequently improve within six to 12 months
  •  Kidney problems
  • Stroke
  • Attack, if a blood clot breaks loose soon after surgery

How you prepare

our doctor will offer you specific instructions about activity restrictions and changes in your diet or medications you ought to make before surgery.

Make arrangements for after your surgery. It will take about four to 6 weeks for you to recover to the purpose where you’ll resume driving, return to figure and perform daily chores.

What you can expect

Before the procedure

If your coronary bypass surgery isn’t performed as emergency surgery, you will probably be admitted to the hospital the morning of the surgery.

During the procedure

Coronary bypass surgery generally takes between three and 6 hours and requires general anesthesia. The number of bypasses you would like depends on where in your heart and the way severe your blockages are.

For general anesthesia, a breathing tube is inserted through your mouth. This tube attaches to a ventilator, which breathes for you during and immediately after the surgery.

Most coronary bypass surgery surgeries are done through an extended incision within the chest while artificial pump keeps blood and oxygen flowing through your body. This is called on-pump coronary bypass surgery.

The surgeon cuts down the middle of the chest, along the breastbone. He or she then spreads open the skeletal structure to show the heart. After the chest is opened, the heart is stopped for short term with medication and a pump takes over to circulate blood to the body.

The surgeon takes a neighborhood of healthy vessel, often from inside the chest wall or from the lower leg, and attaches the ends above and below the blocked artery so that blood flow is redirected round the narrowed a part of the diseased artery.

Other surgical techniques your surgeon might use include:

  • Beating-heart surgery or off pump surgery. This procedure allows surgery to be done on the beating heart using special equipment to stabilize the unit of the heart muscle the surgeon is performing on. This type of surgery is difficult because the heart remains moving. It’s not an option for everyone.
  • Minimally invasive surgery or key hole bypass surgery. A surgeon performs coronary bypass surgery through small incisions within the chest, often with the utilization of robotics and video imaging that help the surgeon perform in a small area. Variations of minimally invasive surgery could be called port-access or keyhole surgery.

Stay in the hospital

Normally a coronary bypass or heart bypass surgery patient rests in hospital for a week. You may expect to spend a day or two in the intensive care unit (ICU).

If there are no complications, then one would be discharged from the hospital within a week. One has to come to hospital after a week of discharge for stich removal.

Precautions to be take post Coronary bypass surgery

  • Stop smoking.
  • Follow a healthy-eating plan.
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Manage stress.

Doctor’s Profile

Dr. Bharat Dubey

Senior Consultant
Heart Transplant
Dr Rahul Bhushan

Dr. Rahul Bhushan

CTVS – Adult & Paediatric
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