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Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Lucknow
HomeCentres of ExcellenceHead & Neck Cancer

Head & Neck Cancer


Head and Neck Cancers make up almost 30% of cancers among Indians. The major culprits are chewing tobacco, betel nut, paan, smoking cigarettes and consuming excessive alcohol. Another risk factor is an infection with the HPV which increases the risk of throat cancer. Apollo Hospital Lucknow has the best treatment for Head & Neck Cancer in Lucknow and Uttar Pradesh



If one can identify the symptoms & get an early treatment, the Head and neck cancer can be cured completely.

The symptoms of Head and neck cancer include

  • A lump in the nose, neck or throat, with or without pain
  • A persistent sore throat
  • Pain and trouble in swallowing food
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Frequent coughing
  • Change in voice or hoarseness
  • Ear pain or trouble hearing
  • Headaches
  • A red or white patch in the mouth
  • Bad breath that’s unexplained by hygiene
  • Nasal obstruction or persistent congestion
  • Frequent nose bleeds or unusual discharge
  • Trouble breathing

Having any of these symptoms does not mean you have cancer, but if you notice one or more of them for more than two weeks, please see your doctor and go in for an immediate health screening. It primarily consists of Cancer of the tongue, Cheek, Ear, Throat, nose and nasal cavity.

Treatment Options

At Apollo Hospitals, we offer a 360-degree approach to treat and cure diseases like cancer. The treatment options are available at Apollo Hospital Lucknow.


Surgery is often the first-line treatment option for this type of cancer, but it may be combined with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy.

Targeted therapy

These drugs are designed to block cancer’s growth by attacking specific proteins that may help cancer cells grow or divide.


Chemotherapy treatments for head and neck cancer are typically reserved for patients whose cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Apollo LUCKNOW has got dedicated floor for chemotherapy which is under the supervision of experienced oncologists making it one of the best centers for chemotherapy in Lucknow and Uttar Pradesh.


Immunotherapy drugs called checkpoint inhibitors are designed to disrupt proteins that cancer cells use to disguise themselves from the immune system. Apollo LUCKNOW has one of the best oncologists for providing treatment as per global cancer treatment protocol.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy delivers high doses of radiation to tumour cells using technology designed to reduce damage to healthy tissue and organs. Apollo LUCKNOW has Tru Beam Linac which is one of the most advanced machines and is very effective in treating cancers of the head and neck.

Why Choose Apollomedics

Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Apollo Lucknow has a multidisciplinary team of doctors (Head and neck Oncosurgeons, Neurosurgeons, plastic surgeons, Reconstructive surgeons, Dental surgeons, Radiation oncologists and medical oncologists) who address all dimensions of treatment, for the best outcome.

At first, ideally, a comprehensive personalized care plan should be drawn up for each individual patient after the cancer is diagnosed. Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination could be used, depending on the type, site and size of the tumour. This approach is what the best centres in the world use and it has been scientifically proven to produce the best results. Radiation is delivered using the true beam technique which is the fastest in treatment speed, precision and simplicity, to accurately target tumours. Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination could be used, depending on the type, site and size of the tumour. This approach is what the best centres in the world use and it has been scientifically proven to produce the best results.

For any query related to Head and Neck Cancer or to book an appointment with our Head and Neck Cancer Experts

Please contact our 24×7 Cancer Care Helpline: 8429021812 or 8429029838.

Doctor’s Profile

Dr. Saket Pandey

Dr. Saket Pandey

MD (Radiation Oncology)
Associate Consultant
Radiation Oncologist

Dr. Animesh Agrawal

Dr. Animesh Agrawal

Medical Oncology
Associate Consultant

Dr. Animesh Agrawal

Dr. Amit Pandey

Associate Consultant
Medical Oncology

Dr. Zeeshanuddin Ahmad's

Dr. Zeeshanuddin Ahmad’s

Surgical Oncology

Dr Sathish Kumar Anandan

Consultant-Surgical Oncology

Dr. Harshit Srivastava

Associate Consultant,Surgical Oncology

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