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Brain Tumor Surgery at Apollo Hospital Lucknow
HomeBrain Tumor Surgery

Brain Tumor Surgery


A brain tumor is an abnormal cell growth or mass in the brain.

There are many distinct types of brain tumors. Some brain tumors are benign (noncancerous), while others are cancerous (malignant). Brain cancers can start in the brain (primary brain tumors), or they can start elsewhere in the body and spread to the brain (metastatic brain tumors).

The rate at which a brain tumor grows varies substantially. The rate of growth of a brain tumor, as well as its location, define how it will influence the function of your neurological system.

The type of brain tumor you have, as well as its size and location, influence your treatment options.


The indications and symptoms of a brain tumor differ widely depending on the size, location, and rate of growth of the tumor.

Brain tumors can induce a variety of signs and symptoms, including:

  • Headaches that are new to you or that have changed their pattern
  • Headaches that become more regular and severe over time
  • Experiencing unexplained nausea or vomiting
  • Blurry vision, double vision, or loss of peripheral vision are all examples of vision issues.
  • Loss of sensation or movement in an arm or leg over time
  • Difficulties with balance
  • Speech difficulty
  • Confusion in ordinary situations
  • Making judgments is proving to be difficult.


The Apollo Medics Institute of Neurosciences provides a comprehensive range of therapeutic options for brain tumors. These are some of them:

1. Surgery

If the brain tumor is in a location where an operation may be performed safely, your neurosurgeon will try to remove as much of the tumor as possible.

Because certain brain tumors are tiny and easy to separate from surrounding brain tissue, surgical excision is achievable. Other brain tumors can’t be isolated from surrounding tissue or are in close proximity to sensitive parts of the brain, making surgery dangerous. Your neurosurgeon will remove as much of the tumor as is safe in these cases.

Even eliminating a piece of your brain tumor could help you feel better.

Infection and bleeding can occur during surgery to remove a brain tumor. Other dangers may vary depending on where your tumor is located in your brain. Surgery on a tumor near nerves that link to your eyes, for example, may result in vision loss.

At apollomedics Lucknow we provide Endoscopic Tumor Surgery, which leads to no blood loss and quick recovery.

Also most advanced Microscopic Neuro Surgery treatment is available which makes Apollo medics hospital the best.

2. Radiation therapy

To kill tumor cells, radiation therapy uses high-energy beams such as X-rays or protons. Radiation therapy can originate from a machine outside your body (external beam radiation) or from a machine inside your body close to your brain tumor (internal beam radiation) (brachytherapy).

External beam radiation can target just the part of your brain where the tumor is, or it might cover the entire brain. Whole-brain radiation is most commonly used to treat cancer that has progressed to the brain from another section of the body and has resulted in numerous tumors.

Radiation therapy has traditionally used X-rays, but a modern kind uses proton beams. Doctors can better control the radiation with proton beam therapy. It may be beneficial in the treatment of paediatric brain tumors and tumors that are near to sensitive brain areas. Traditional X-ray radiation therapy is more commonly available than proton beam therapy.

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses chemicals to kill tumor cells. Chemotherapy medications can be ingested as pills or injected directly into a vein (intravenously). Temozolomide is the most commonly used chemotherapeutic medication to treat brain tumors (Temodar). Depending on the type of cancer, various chemotherapy medications may be indicated.

The type and dose of medications you receive during chemotherapy have an impact on the adverse effects you experience. Chemotherapy can induce nausea, vomiting, and hair loss, among other side effects.

Chemotherapy may be beneficial for you based on tests of your brain tumor cells. The sort of brain tumor you have can also influence whether or not chemotherapy is recommended.

4. Targeted Drug Therapy

Targeted medication treatments are designed to target specific abnormalities found in cancer cells. Targeted medication treatments can kill cancer cells by inhibiting these aberrations.

Certain forms of brain tumors have targeted therapy medications available, and many more are being researched in clinical studies. Your tumor cells might be analyzed by your doctor to evaluate if targeted therapy is likely to be an effective treatment for your brain tumor.

When to seek a doctor

Make an appointment with your neurosurgeon, if you have persistent signs and symptoms that concern you.

Request a Consultation at Apollo Medics Super Specialty Hospital Lucknow

To book an appointment contact- 8429029838 or 8429021812

Doctor’s Profile

Dr Akhilesh Kumar

Dr Akhilesh Kumar

Associate Consultant
Dr Diwakar Shankar

Dr Diwakar Shankar

Associate Consultant

Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh

Senior Consultant

Dr. Mohd. Suhaib

Brig (Dr) Saurabh Kumar Verma

Senior Consultant

Dr Chirag Rajkumar Kopp

Dr Chirag Rajkumar Kopp

Associate Consultant
Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology
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