"The common location for adenoid cystic cancers is in the major salivary glands, parotid and submandibular glands."

Best Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Treatment in India

Investigations done prior to adenoid cystic cancer include imaging for the disease site as well as the lung, in the form of MRI and CT scan respectively. Other investigations are then tailor-made as per the clinical condition of the patient.


The primary treatment of adenoid cystic carcinoma is surgery. Radiotherapy is administered in the postoperative setting and for inoperable lesions. Proton therapy has a special role, in that the outcomes of proton therapy are excellent in postoperative and inoperable patients.

Proton therapy and Radiotherapy

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre is equipped with facilities and expertise for both proton therapy as well as radiotherapy.

Proton therapy has a special role in the treatment of adenoid cystic cancer. This is because of multiple factors, which relate to the nature of the tumour, its interaction with proton therapy. In addition, since adenoid cystic cancers can travel along cranial nerves that arise in the brain, the target for radiotherapy / proton therapy is in proximity to the brain. Proton therapy ensures that the required dose can be administered adjacent to the brain, with less dose going to the brain. This results in better outcomes than other forms of radiotherapy, even in the treatment of inoperable patients.

Proton therapy, administered over 6-7 weeks helps reduce the dose to all neighbouring critical structures. This results in substantially decreasing the risk of early side effects and late consequences of treatment. During the period of treatment less dose to critical structures equates with reduction in the risk of blisters in the mouth and throat, less requirement of strong pain killers, less chance of weight loss, tube feeding, hospital admission or treatment interruption.

At APCC, proton therapy is administered using the latest pencil beam scanning technology on an IBA Proteus Plus. The sophisticated treatment unit comprises 2 gantries that can rotate around the patient and deliver proton therapy from multiple angles and a specialised treatment couch that is capable of moving and rotating to position the patient accurately for treatment. The treatment unit is equipped with various forms of imaging, X-rays, Cone beam CT and surface imaging to ensure accurate delivery of radiotherapy.

In addition to proton therapy, patients may receive treatment for adenoid cyctistic cancers on the RadixactTomotherapy unit, using helical tomotherapy. This advanced image guided radiotherapy technique is based on photons or X-rays,with a high degree of modulation to reduce dose to normal structures.

At APCC, all head neck proton and radiation treatments are carried out under the care of head neck specialised expert doctors who are supported by a team of medical physicists and radiotherapy technologists. At APCC, the treating team is supported by a group of services that help in the holistic management of head neck cancer patients.

  • Surgery.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Ancillary services Pathology, Radiology.

Winning Over Cancer

Dr. Naveen Hedne, Senior Consultant & Lead – Surgical Oncology talks about managing head & neck cancers during COVID-19. He said head & neck cancers can be easily identified & one should not ignore its symptoms, He further added that APCC is well equipped and ready to treat patients during the pandemic situation.

Mr. Param Gandhi from Surat, Gujarat talks about the Proton Therapy for his father at Apollo Proton Cancer Centre. He also talks about the standard of care and treatment journey while conveying his heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Ghosh, Dr.Sapna, Dr Naveen, Dr.Vidyadharan, Dr.Pradeep and the entire team of Head & Neck Cancer Management for their excellent guidance & support. Wishing Param & his family good health always.

Mr. Kishore Jain from Mumbai talks to us about his brother-in-law who was diagnosed with oral cancer and the treatment he underwent at Apollo Proton Cancer Centre. He thanks Dr.Sapna Nangia, Dr.T.Raja, Dr.Naveen, Dr. S. Vidyadharan and the entire team for their extensive help and making him feel optimistic during the treatment period. He is happy to see his brother-in-law who has recovered and is looking fit & healthy today.

Ms.Pooja from Delhi speaks to us about her family member who was diagnosed with head & neck cancer in February, this was when COVID – 19 was picking up in India. She describes how Dr. Sapna Nangia (Director – Head Neck & Breast, Department of Radiation Oncology) gave her hope by explaining about Proton Therapy at Apollo Proton Cancer Centre.

While the treatment is still going on, she wants to thank the entire team at APCC for taking care of her travel formalities during this challenging time.

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