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Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG

Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG

Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG

What is the procedure?

Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG is the least invasive method of minimally Invasive cardiac surgery. Minimally invasive techniques have been developed to avoid sternal split and aid much quicker recovery. Robotic Assisted Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery involves making tiny holes in the left chest cavity through which surgery is performed with the help of Da Vinci Robotic system.

Why is it done?

Coronary Artery Disease is one of the most common non-communicable diseases affecting individuals in the Indian subcontinent. This condition can be treated by medicines, stent insertion or CABG surgery. Conventionally, CABG surgery was performed by splitting the central chest bone – Sternotomy. Sternotomy is the biggest fear for most patients and causes morbidity to most patients following cardiac surgery. In some cases, the patients have to cope with slow recovery of up to 3 months.

What happens during the procedure?

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. Your cardiac surgeon will make tiny holes in the left chest cavity. The surgical instruments which is attached to robotic arms and a camera is inserted through these holes. Your cardiac surgeon will control the robotic arms and camera from a console located in the same operation theatre. Once the surgery is complete, your surgeon will remove all the instruments and close the incisions.

How long will it take?

Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG takes less time to complete and patients have lesser complications and quicker recovery when compared to conventional surgery

What happens after the procedure?

After surgery you will be monitored for recovery. Patients generally have less blood loss, minimal pain and faster recover. Based on your recovery you will be discharged 2 to 3 days after surgery. However, full recovery will take approximately 2 weeks. At the time of discharge, your doctor will give you few guidelines which includes your medications, dietary instructions etc.

Apollo expertise in the procedure

The Cardio Thoracic surgeon Dr M M Yusuf and his team at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai continue to perform this latest procedure successfully with better outcomes. The risk involved when compared to conventional surgery is lesser and gives a new lease of life to the patient.

This unique procedure is performed in very few centres across the globe. At Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai Dr M M Yusuf and his team have been performing this procedure successfully.

Get in touch

For appointments please contact Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai


What is the advantage of Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG?

  • Less scarring on the chest as surgery is performed through tiny holes.
  • Minimal blood loss and negligible pain.
  • Shorter hospital stay.
  • Early return to routine activities.

What is the recovery duration after Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG?

The recovery duration after undergoing Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG is comparatively much shorter than traditional minimally invasive heart surgery. Most of the patients can resume their full normal activities within two weeks after undergoing this latest surgery.

Who are the suitable candidates for this procedure?

Robotic Minimally Assisted CABG is suitable to treat many patients with single and multi-vessel coronary artery disease. It is beneficial in treating young patients who need to return to work early, as well as elderly patients who tend to recover with least morbidity.

For an appointment, click here

UPDATED ON 14/05/2024

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