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Mr.Sheikh Mohamed Bangladesh
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To Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.


Heading above refer, my wife (Anna) has suffered from chronic neck pain and loose power on right hand and leg. The pain started slowly and keeps growing up for the past 3 years. We have consulted many surgeons and medical checks in Tanzania with no success. The last Hospital was our national hospital where the MRI scan was done and detect a problem in SIPNAL CORD and been advised to undergo for a spinal cord surgery. According to availability of the neuro surgeon speciality and the nature of the surgery required. I deside to seek for medical treatment oversees. My brother's wife was in Apollo Speciality Hospital under Dr. VIKAS for a LIVER SURGICAL which took place on MAY, 2012, the operation went successful. I got Dr. Vikas contact from my brother, and contact him through phone/Email and deliver all my wife medical documents . My request did not meet Dr. Vikas specialties, he then by pass my documents to Dr.Parthiban J.K.B.C, who is a senior neuro Surgeon Consultant. His replay was to see the patient. We made our way to Apollo Speciality Hospital on 29th of June, 2012 and arrive on 30th of June 2012 the Miracle Day. With amazing speed, from the day arrived she did be sent for medical checks for 6Days continuously under Dr.Parthiban and his team, every step we was well informed.

On 05th July 12, 2012 We had a call to meet Dr.Parthiban in his office for the check result, and treatment plan, as per Doctor , Spinal cord surgery was required to remove the lesion, and the time to conduct the operation he estimate to be 8Hours. I knew how danger the operation was, look at my wife and see how she fill and cry. I had no way to go; the only way was surgery to take place. I made my decision, the operation to take place and save my lovely wife life. On 09th July 12, 2012 the Miracle day arrived and the surgery was conducted successful, for seven hours, under Dr.Parthiban and his lovely team. She then moved to a medium Intensive care Unit, where she stays for 24HRS.First time I meet her ,she was In ICU Room, the only thing I saw was a smile on her face. I thanks GOD for all happened to my wife. Dr.Parthiban I thanks you again, God have path the Miracle through your hands with the help of Apollo Speciality Hospital Team you did it. Big up to all for the help done to my wife life. Thank you all, May God continue to up hold Apollo Speciality Hospital and the Team. Well come to Tanzania all. Our contact as per above address.

GLORY TO GOD Mr. & Mrs. A.A.Masoy

My lnsight

Travel to lndia, having fractured my left arm and planning to do an operation, was really worrying. I was thinking that it would be a horrible experience.

After arriving in Hyderabad, I was welcomed and taken to the Hyderabad Apollo Health City. I talked to knowledgeable, understanding doctors, and received care from excellent trained nurses.

The Apollo lnternational Office's supportive and caring administrators arranged the whole visit. I felt very confident and satisfied with the care l was receiving

Now, I am at home, and really feeling happy about my treatment. I believe Apollo provide professional, state-of the-art treatment and care. There is a clear procedure. You just have to plan what you want in order to receive good quality treatment at a planned cost and have a happy experience. Well done Apollo.

Khalid Salim Al-Jardani

I am a Kenyan. Having had gone through several operations in Nairobi hospitals in Kenya unsuccessfully. My husband met with Mr. Mohan in Kenya who told him about the Apollo Hospitals. We made our way here and from the airport we were picked by ambulance thanks to Mr. Lokesh who acted very fast and organized for a doctor immediately I got admitted. I am thankful for every doctor who attended to me. Plus very friendly nurses. The doctors are perfect. The waiters are doing good job. Cooks, cleaners and the assisting staffs.

During my stay in Apollo Hospital, I was thrilled with every aspect (doctors). I was more so impressed with the excellent job well done by my doctor, Dr. Dixit

Thank you doctor. The hospitality and understanding by Mr. Mohan. The lower class staff were very swift and handy. Thanks to the dieticians also. We will spread the word back in Kenya about Apollo Hospitals and therefore get you patients.

You have made directly and indirectly our stay as the most comfortable as possible.

I do not know how to thank all the entire management from Doctors to cleaners. I am very grateful to all Doctors who attended me. God bless you all.

Amour Rashid,

I was so impressed with the standards of the hospital and especially the Wonderful attention of all the staff.

The nursing care is second to none. I had my right knee joint replaced and I was amazed at the speed of my own recovery time. I was honored to give a lecture to nurses and staff on Kenya and I wish Apollo Hospitals and its staff all the best for the future.

ASANTE SANA (THANKS) to Dr. Pingle who carried out my Surgery.

I arrived here with my daughter Mobolaji Olajolo, 22 years old and we felt the human touch of Apollo Hosptials right from the Reception Hall of the airport, when two gentleman accosted us here and took us into the hospital Ambulance to the hospital room prepared for us.

I want to emphatically state that I am impressed by the medical treatment received by my daughter. I therefore want to thank most sincerely all the doctors, nurses, dieticians etc but most especially Dr. J.C. Pingle and his team, Dr. Nayak and his team, Dr. Kesavulu and his team. Mr. Radhey Mohan, Mr. Subodh Singh, Mr. Lokesh and a host of others who made our stay enjoyable & unforgettable.

I hope the hospital will keep up this standard but endeavor to improve on the diet to accommodate other views. I shall not hesitate to recommend this hospital to others anywhere any time. Thanks and God bless you all.

I cannot thank you all enough for the service at Apollo-from the surgical team to the nurses and staff. Wonderful service.

My visit to your hospital has left me with only good memories and the highest regard for the professional and compassionate treatment I received under your care.

I just want to thank everyone involved with my Brand new knee. I am very excited about being able to do the things I love to do, like playing with my grand children & working in my yard.

I came here for my Lap. Gastric bypass surgery. We were treated as good as can be, the hospital is very efficient and well organized, extremely clean, the doctors are excellent. Nurses and other staff very caring & well trained. I would come back here for another problem any time. It was worth the long flight here.

"I have known Apollo Since its inception. The services are satisfactory and the doctors are highly qualified and dependable"

I am very satisfied with the services, I have been visiting Apollo Hospitals since 1991 and the services here are very homely. Doctors are also very friendly in their approach and knowledgeable.

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Aloha - Finished. That was hard work. Tough conditions, took just over 31 hours to swim 6.2 miles, bike 261 miles and run a 52.4 mile double marathon. No wonder I am smiling. I am done!

Ultraman World Championships 2011, my 10th Ultraman distance finish on the Smith and Nephew BHR. I ended up second in the 50-59 division [male] after having a great battle with Dan Squiller from San Diego, who is now the reigning World Champ for that division. Always the bridesmaid it seems!

Dan went 1:09 faster than he ever has at that distance though, and I kept the pressure turned up the entire time.

So it was a great race and a really wonderful experience for a guy who was told he would never run again not that long ago !

Thank you !

Cory Foulk

Apollo Orthopaedic Patient TestimonialApollo Orthopaedic Patient Testimonials Apollo Orthopaedic Patient Testimonials

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"Great surgery... Great Dr Gulati. Highly recommend - "Friendly staff"
-- Kipp Patrick Archambault, U S A

Apollo Orthopaedic Patient Testimonial

"I was very impressed with every aspect of the service in Apollo. The consultant was most understanding, professional and patient in explaining all aspects of the procedure. Registrar anesthetist was understanding of my anxiety. All nursing staff very caring."

UPDATED ON 14/05/2024

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