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Medical Dictionary: Glossary (Y)

Medical Dictionary: Glossary (Y)

What is Y-chromosome?

The sex chromosome that is found, together with an X chromosome, in males.

What is Y-linkage?

The presence of a gene on the Y chromosome.

What is yellow fever?

An acute illness caused by a virus called a Flavivirus. In severe cases, the viral infection causes high fever, bleeding into the skin, and necrosis (death) of cells in the kidney and liver.

What is yttrium?

A rare elemental metal. A radioactive form of yttrium is used in radiation therapy and some types of immunotherapy.

What is yersiniosis?

An infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Yersinia enterocolitica.

What is Y chromatin?

A brightly fluorescent body seen under the microscope in cells containing a Y chromosome when the cells are stained with the dye quinacrine. Quinacrine lights up the Y chromosome more than other chromosomes.

UPDATED ON 14/05/2024

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