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HomePatient CareClinical Quality and OutcomesMeasuring OutcomesDoor to CT or MRI time in Stroke in the Emergency Room

Door to CT or MRI time in Stroke in the Emergency Room

Apollo Hospitals Health Care Quality

What does it mean?

Average lag time between the arrival of the patient in Emergency Room and the time when a MRI is done, in cases of acute stroke. Lesser the time, the better the outcomes, as the “golden hour” is critical for patient survival in stroke.

What does it indicate?

The lesser the lag time, the more standardised and streamined the clinical protocols for clinical emergencies are, which implies better resuscitation and recovery from time -critical medical emergencies.

Name of Parameter Bench Mark Reference 2023-2024
Door to CT or MRI time in stroke in ER 45 minutes Internal Apollo 35.25 minutes

* References chosen for the benchmark of each indicator, are the best of class for that respective indicator
** All values audited and validated by the Apollo Clinical Audit Team

UPDATED ON 14/05/2024

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