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Apollo BGS Hospitals, MysoreFoot Care in Diabetes

Foot Care in Diabetes

Foot Care in Diabetes

Having diabetes puts you at risk for developing a wide range of foot problems- often because of two complications of diabetes – nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor blood circulation.
  • Diabetes affects the blood vessels of the feet causing them to narrow. Narrow blood vessels carry less blood to the feet thus slowing down healing and increasing the risk of infection.
  • Diabetes affects the nerves that supply sensation to the feet. This decreases the feeling of pain in the feet and thus patients with diabetes may not notice a cut or a blister (water filled boils)
  • Further changes over time caused by unusual pressure points may lead to poorly healing wounds and blister
    • Check daily for any changes
    • Wash your feet in lukewarm( neither hot nor cold) water
    • Dry your feet especially in-between toes and apply lotion if your skin is dry(avoid lotion application in-between toes)
    • Wear comfortable well fitting shoes to protect your feet
    • Don’t walk bare-feet even inside your house or place of worship(you can wear thick socks)
    • Cut your toenails regularly, preferably after bath
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