
It is also known as Percutaneous Coronary Interventions [PCI], Balloon Angioplasty and Coronary Artery Balloon Dilation.


Special tubing with an attached deflated balloon is threaded up to the coronary arteries. The balloon is inflated to widen blocked areas where blood flow to the heart muscle has been reduced or cut off. Often combined with implantation of a stent to help prop the artery open and decrease the chance of another blockage.

Major Indications:

  • Acute ST-elevation MI (STEMI)
  • Non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS)
  • Stable angina
  • Anginal equivalent (eg. dyspnea, arrhythmia, or dizziness or syncope)
  • Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patient with objective evidence of a moderate-sized to large area of viable myocardium or moderate to severe is chemia on noninvasive testing
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