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Home Travelling with Diabetes

Travelling with Diabetes


Be sure to have a complete medical exam well before you travel to make sure your diabetes is under control. Checking blood sugar while traveling is just as important as when at home. Many people with diabetes need to travel with medication and/or medical devices and be able to access medical attention if needed. Careful pre-travel education and preparation should allow travellers with diabetes to enjoy a rewarding and pleasurable trip.

Planning is a key! Having diabetes should not stop one from travelling. Carry a medical Id or prescription that states that you have diabetes and a doctor prescription with medical certificate, good news is people with diabetes are exempted from the 3.4oz liquid rule for medicines, fast acting carbs like juice and gel packs to keep insulin cool.


  • Consult a doctor before leaving for travel
  • Carry your doctor prescription
  • Emergency contact list
  • If on insulin pump, keep pump details and data
  • All your medications and insulin
  • Glucometer and sugar tablets(or glucose)
  • Be considerate about changing time zones if travelling abroad



If you take insulin shots and will be crossing time zones, talk with your healthcare provider before your trip. Ask for help, based on your itinerary, in planning the timing of your injections while you travel. Eastbound travel (India · UAE · Sri Lanka · Bhutan · Nepal) means a shorter day, so if you inject insulin, you may need less. Traveling westbound (typically includes most countries of the European Union as well as the U.K., Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) means a longer day, so more insulin may be needed. To help you keep track of shots and meals through changing time zones, keep your watch on your home time zone until the morning after you arrive.

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