Paediatric Cardiac Surgery

The Apollo Hospitals, Indore

It is believed at Apollo Hospitals that the first step to cure is accurate diagnosis of the disorder. Investment in the latest medical and diagnostic equipment along with upgradation of skills of personnel is always ensured.

Paediatric Cardiac Surgery

Congenital heart disease refers to structural heart defects that develop during foetal growth in the mother’s womb. Advanced investigations help in early diagnosis and treatment of such babies born with heart defects. The speciality has evolved immensely in last 2 decades helping thousands of children to lead normal lives today.

Apollo hospitals Indore is considered as one of the best paediatric cardiac centres in the state as well as in central India. It has a dedicated paediatric cardiac surgical unit and a dedicated paediatric cardiac ICU for post – operative care.


  • TOF repair ( Commonly called as blue baby disease)
  • Septal defects like VSD, ASD( Commonly called as holes in the heart)
  • Coarctation of Aorta ,ASD
  • Complex heart diseases like TGA,TAPVC,Truncus Arteriosus
  • Multi stage surgeries for single ventricle heart


  • Apollo Hospitals, Indore is probably doing the maximum numbers of the paediatric cardiac cases in Madhya Pradesh with outcomes comparable with national standards and with short in Hospital stay.
  • In last 18 months we have successfully healed more than 250 little hearts , with the smallest child being 1 day old and weighing just 1.9 Kgs.


  • Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon with experience of more than 2000 Paediatric Cardiac Cases
  • Paediatric Cardiologist with extensive experience in diagnosing and managing over the most complex Cardiac Disorders.
  • Dedicated OT for Paediatric Cardiac Cases
  • Dedicated 8 bedded PICU and NICU for Paediatric Cardiac Patients

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