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      Home Health A-Z What kind of Preventive Care do you need after age 50?

      What kind of Preventive Care do you need after age 50?

      Cardiology Image 1 Verified By Apollo General Physician January 14, 2024

      What kind of Preventive Care do you need after age 50?

      Age is the most crucial factor that impacts your lifestyle, especially when you are above 50. It directly affects the functions of your body. But that should not negatively influence you from leading a healthy life.

      Cardiovascular System Changes While Aging

      Aging causes your heart muscles to get rigid. This causes your heart to put in extra effort to circulate blood throughout the body. Hence, it makes your heart rate go up while performing any activities, leading to risks of hypertension or high blood pressure and other cardiovascular ailments. However, there are several ways to help your heart manage the increased workload through healthy lifestyle changes.

      Lifestyle changes to prevent cardiovascular problems:

      No matter how vulnerable you become to cardiovascular problems as you age, there are always preventive measures that you can take. Some of the preventions include:

      • Perform physical activities regularly: There are various types of physical activities you can do daily. Some of these activities include walking, swimming, dancing, or jogging. Remember, you do not do intense workouts or other strenuous activities beyond your limits. Moderate to brisk physical activities will help you to maintain your ideal body weight and avoid heart diseases.
      • Following a healthy diet regimen: Include green vegetables, fruits, fish, and other sources of proteins in your diet. Whole grains and high-fibre foods are also great choices. It is recommended to avoid a fat-rich diet (unsaturated or trans-fat) and avoid high salt intake. You can consider talking to a dietician for help.
      • Avoid smoking: Smoking hastens the process of arteries stiffening, increasing the chances of high blood pressure. Speak with your doctor to help you quit smoking if you have an addiction to tobacco products.
      • Manage stress: Stress can be the cause of numerous heart conditions associated with aging. Take initiatives like meditation and exercise to reduce stress.
      • Get adequate sleep: Sleep allows your body, including the heart, to rest. It is recommended to have sufficient sleep of at least 8-10 hours. .

      Medical tests to take for diagnosing cardiovascular problems:

      It will help if you also considered taking an annual health check to check the heart and other organs. A few of the tests that you should do for early diagnosis of any potential heart complications are:


      Bones, Joints, and Muscle Changes While Aging

      It is a well-known fact that aging can weaken you. With age the bones start losing their density , leading to a condition termed as osteoporosis. . Muscles also tend to lose strength and flexibility, The lack of strength and endurance in your muscles impacts your body coordination. Below are some behavioral and lifestyle changes that can help you prevent any bones and muscle problems after aging beyond 50.

      Lifestyle changes to prevent bones and muscle problems:

      You can take care of your muscles and bones by adopting the following lifestyle changes.

      • Included calcium supplements: The minimum intake of calcium while aging is 1,200 mg per day. Taking the recommended amount of calcium supplements through diet is the best way of maintaining bones and muscle strength even after  50. Some foods rich in calcium are broccoli, salmon, and dairy products. You can also ask your doctor for calcium supplements, in case you need it.
      • Get adequate Vitamin-D: Taking an adequate amount between 600-800 units of vitamin-D is essential, but the necessity increases with aging. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D; some of the other sources include eggs, tuna, and supplements.
      • Incorporate exercise in your daily routine: Moderate weight-bearing exercises can help maintain bones’ strength by reducing the risk of osteoporosis..

      Medical tests to take for bones and muscle problems:

      Tests for bones and muscle problems include:

      • X-Ray
      • Dexa scan to measure the bone density
      • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


      Digestive System Changes While Aging

      is constipation and bloating of the stomach are the most common digestive problems experienced while aging. Factors such as lack of physical activities, inadequate fluids, and fibre in the diet can affect your digestive system. A few lifestyle modifications that can help tackle digestive system changes are listed below.

      Lifestyle changes to prevent digestive system problems:

      . Follow the below-mentioned lifestyle changes to reduce the chances of getting any digestive issues.

      • Healthy diet: Following a diet regimen rich in fibre is the best method for managing digestive issues, including gas, constipation, or other problems. It will help if you avoid having high-fat foods like meat and dairy products. Drinking adequate water can help maintain digestive health.

      Medical tests for diagnosing digestive problems:

      Digestive problems are common while ageing. If you are not feeling at ease, you can consider some of the below medical tests.


      Bladder and Urinary Tract Problems While Aging

      Your bladder loses elasticity as you age, which can result in medical conditions like urinary incontinence. It is a condition where you don’t have control over your bladder. This leads to an urge to urinate frequently. The inflamed or weakened bladder muscles also make it difficult to urinate. Some healthy lifestyle changes can help you prevent bladder and urinary tract problems.

      Lifestyle changes to prevent bladder and urinary tract problems:

      You can reduce the impact of aging on your bladder and urinary tract by considering the following lifestyle changes:

      • Perform Kegel exercise: Kegel exercise is squeezing the pelvic muscles. Squeeze your pelvic muscles for three seconds and then relax for the next three. Perform this set at least 10 to 15 times. Do Kegel exercise three times a day to strengthen the bladder muscles and prevent any bladder and urinary tract problems.
      • Avoid bladder irritants: Some of the food items such as caffeine, carbonated beverages, and acidic foods can worsen urinary incontinence. Constipation can also irritate the bladder and worsen any urinary tract problems.

      Medical tests to take for diagnosing bladder and urinary tract problems:

      Some of the tests that can help in the early diagnosis of bladder and urinary tract problems while aging includes:

      • Urinalysis
      • Bladder function tests


      Memory Skills Changes While Ageing

      Some structural changes in the brain can impact your memory and thinking skills. Forgetting familiar names or the inability to multitask are some of the common symptoms of memory skill changes.

      Lifestyle changes to prevent memory problems:

      You can take the following lifestyle change initiatives to promote healthy memory and thinking skills.

      • Meditation and physical activities: Including meditation and physical activities in your daily routine can help ease stress. It will help you relax and minimize or mitigate any potential brain and memory problems.
      • Stay mentally active: You will have to keep your mind active to sustain your memory. Reading, playing word games, interacting with people, taking up new hobbies, and a lot more can help you remain mentally active. Social interactions can also help you keep your mind active. You can spend some time with your family and friends or volunteer.

      Medical tests to take for diagnosing memory  problems:

      The weakening of memory and thinking skills can cause serious trouble while aging. Talk to your doctor if you see any signs of memory problems in yourself or your loved ones. Here are some of the tests that your doctor may recommend:

      • Cognitive testing
      • Blood tests looking for specific deficiencies
      • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
      • Electroencephalogram


      Changes in Eyes and Ears While Aging

      Your vision and hearing abilities will diminish while aging beyond 50. Weaken eye muscles of the retina will cause trouble focusing on objects. You might also experience trouble hearing in crowded places. Below mentioned are some lifestyle changes that can help you minimize your risk of visual and hearing problems.

      Lifestyle changes to prevent eyes and ear problems:

      Even with advancing age, you can still keep your eyes and ears sharp. All you need is some good preventive care.

      • Take precautionary measures: The only method to aid visual or hearing trouble is to take preventive measures. For instance, you can wear sunglasses while going in bright sunlight. Similarly, you can use earplugs to avoid loud noises.
      • Schedule check-ups: Since the eyes and ears are sensitive areas of your body, it is best to take regular appointments with your doctor for checks

      Medical tests for diagnosing eyes and ears problems:

      The doctor would recommend some of the following tests:

      1. Visual acuity test
      2. Retinoscopy
      3. Refraction test
      4. Keratometry test
      5. Peripheral visual field test
      6. Intraocular pressure measurement
      7. Otoscopy
      8. Tympanometry
      9. Audiometry

      Aging can impact your life. So, it is best to keep in constant touch with a doctor. Whatever your needs are, you can always rely on Apollo Hospitals Group. Walk into any Apollo Hospitals facility to get the best of treatment.

      Call 1860-500-1066 to book an appointment

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

      1. Is it true that you cannot control your health conditions after a certain age?

      You can always prevent yourself from getting affected by any health conditions, no matter how old you grow.

      1. Do you become less social and friendly as you become old?

      It is not true that old people are not friendly or social. While young ones like to interact with new people, old ones like to socialize and interact with those whom they already know.

      1. How much exercise should I do daily after age 50?

      The more the better. Try doing as much exercise as you can, but always remember that don’t try to push your limits too much as your body might not be able to handle it because of aging.

      1. How frequently should I visit a doctor?

      Once you turn 50, it is recommended to visit your doctor once a year for a full-body check-up.


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