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      Home Health A-Z Understanding Spine Conditions

      Understanding Spine Conditions

      Cardiology Image 1 Verified By Apollo General Physician November 15, 2024

      Understanding Spine Conditions

      From Spinal Tumours to Slip Discs and How We Treat Them

      The Spine is a sensitive and complex structure of bones, muscles, ligaments, and nerves, working altogether in synchronicity to support our body and protect the Spinal cord. When any part of this intricate structure gets disturbed by any factor, such as injury, accident, or degeneration, it can lead to serious spinal problems and even disability. Here, we will explore some serious spinal issues, their causes, symptoms, and how we can treat them.

      Anatomy of the Spine

      The human spine is a bony structure that supports the body, houses and protects the spinal cord, and consists of 33 vertebrae divided into five regions: cervical or neck; there are 7, thoracic or mid-back with 12, lumbar or lower back with five, sacral or pelvic area consisting of five fused vertebrae, and coccygeal or tailbone section of four fused vertebrae. These allow flexibility, movement, and stability.

      Different Types of Spinal Conditions

      Slip Discs

      A slipped disc, commonly known as a herniated disc, is a condition when one of the vertebral discs in your spine loses its elasticity and is displaced from its original position. Although the whole spine is prone to this condition, it is more common in cervical vertebrae or the lumbar vertebrae.

      Causes and Symptoms of Slip Discs

      • Causes: Although the most common cause of slipped discs is age-related issues, it can occur in young people, too, due to some injury, trauma, or, in some rare cases, infections. Heavy lifting in the gym can also cause a slipped disc.
      • Symptoms: Symptoms of a herniated disc can vary from person to person and the severity of the case. Some of the most common symptoms are sharp backache, pain shooting down the legs or arms, limited mobility, etc.


      The treatment generally starts with the recommendation of some physical exercises, over-the-counter medications, and lifestyle changes. But if these methods fail to work, surgery can be performed by your doctor.

      • Spinal fusion: Two or more vertebrae are fused using medical treatment in this surgery. This is done if your cause is too severe.
      • Minimally invasive surgery: In this process, the damaged portion of the disc is removed without harming surrounding tissues.
      • Physical therapy: tailored to strengthen muscles and gain flexibility to support the spine.

      Spinal Tumour

      Spinal Tumour is the abnormal growth of cells around the spine and spinal cord. It can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Tumours of the spine can be generated within the spine or can spread from other parts of the body to the spine.

      Causes and Symptoms of Spinal Tumour

      • Causes: causes of spinal tumours can be various; they can originate in the spine, which is a primary tumour, or spread from other organs like the prostate or lungs, which is a metastatic tumour.
      • Symptoms: Common symptoms include unwavering back pain, inability to move without pain, loss of appetite, imbalanced bowel movements, and unwanted weight loss.


      Spinal treatment depends upon the size, type, and location of the tumour.

      • Surgery: Surgical intervention is done to remove the tumour from the spine, releasing pressure from the spine and spinal cord.
      • Radiotherapy: If the tumour is in a sensitive part of the spine where surgical methods can not be performed, then this therapy is used.
      • Chemotherapy: This therapy is done to target cancerous cells and stop them from spreading to other organs.

      Spinal Stenosis

      The spinal cord runs within the space in the vertebral column. Spinal stenosis is a condition when this space narrows down, putting pressure on the spinal cords and the nerves.

      Causes and Symptoms

      • Causes: Spinal Stenosis can occur due to age-related wear and tear, herniated discs or thickening of ligaments, congenital narrowing of the spine, etc.
      • Symptoms: the symptoms include back pain, numbness in limbs, limited mobility, and irregular bowel movements in severe cases.


      Treatment of spinal stenosis starts with some non-invasive methods:

      • Physical methods: Therapies tailored to relax muscles and improve the flexibility of the spine.
      • Pain killers: your doctor may give you a prescription for some medicines to soothe inflammation.
      • Injection: Epidural steroid injections can be given by your doctor to soothe inflammation if medications don’t work.

      If these methods mentioned above don’t work, then your healthcare provider can recommend surgery.

      • Laminectomy: Removal of the affected vertebra to relieve pressure from the spine.
      • Foraminotomy: This surgery is specialised in removing thickened ligaments, bone spurs, or disc material from the foramen(opening of the vertebrae through which nerves exit).


      When one vertebra slips over to another vertebra, this condition causes spondylolisthesis in the spine. Although this condition is also an age-related problem, sudden shock can also cause it in young people.

      • Causes: The causes include genetic factors, degeneration of vertebral discs due to ageing, and injury caused by any car accident or sports injury, etc.
      • Symptoms: Symptoms of spondylolisthesis are difficulty in walking or even standing for long periods, lower back pain, tingling sensation, or numbness in the legs and thighs.


      Mild cases of spondylolisthesis are treated with the help of constructive therapies:

      • Bracing: Bracing is done to support and movement of the affected vertebra.
      • Physical exercises: These are done to strengthen and make the spine flexible, preventing it from further damage.
      • Medications: Your healthcare provider may provide you with a prescription for oral medicines for relief from pain.

      Server cases of spondylolisthesis are treated with surgical intervention.

      • Decompression surgery: This is done to relieve the nerves or spinal cord from pressure.
      • Artificial disc replacement: In some cases, this condition occurs along with disc degeneration. In this, the original disc is replaced by an artificial one that mimics the function of a natural disc.


      Spine conditions, whether they are slipped disc issues, spinal tumours, stenosis, or any other, do affect the quality of one’s life. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, most conditions may be effectively managed. We offer comprehensive care for a wide range of spine conditions at Apollo Spine Clinic using the latest diagnostic tools and advanced treatment options tailored to the needs of our patients.

      If you have back pain, neck pain, or whatever symptom is associated with your back, do not wait any longer. Contact us today for a consultation with any of our specialists. We are here to help you achieve an active and pain-free life.


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