Verified By Apollo Orthopedician September 22, 2023
26102A swollen knee occurs when your knees are affected by an injury or disorder. Swollen knee is the accumulation of excessive fluid in and around your knee joints. Swelling can be a sign of inflammation in the knee joints.
Various issues can lead to swelling in your knees, including injuries and medical conditions. It usually develops immediately after an injury. A swollen knee can be a symptom of an underlying knee joint disorder, such as arthritis. A swollen knee usually develops when excess fluid buildup occurs in the knee joint capsule as a result of bleeding in joints or the accumulation of the synovial fluid.
The symptoms of a swollen knee are swelling in and around the knee cap, stiffness of the knee, redness, and pain. The swelling in the knees causes severe pain, difficulty while walking, and an inability to bear weight. Damage to the knees can cause the affected area to become larger, puffier, and reddish in appearance. The key signs of inflammation in the knees are pain, swelling, redness, heat, and partial or complete loss of the function of the knees.
Many causes, including diseases, injuries, and trauma, may lead to swelling in your knees.
Contact your doctor if you have noticeable swelling and severe pain in your knees or you cannot bear weight on your knees and are unable to fully extend or flex your knees. Request an appointment at Apollo Hospitals to seek treatment immediately. It is essential to seek professional care if you additionally have a fever, swelling, pus, or a deep wound. Your doctor will conduct a physical examination of your knee joint. Additionally, he may use other imaging techniques, such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan to assess the degree of damage.
Swelling and pain in the knees can be common for acute injuries. Some diseases, such as arthritis and gout, can lead to the pain worsening and subsequently causing joint damage if left untreated. It can lead to muscle loss, weakness, and atrophy. The accumulation of fluid in your knees can cause Baker’s cyst in the knees .
The prevention strategies listed below may help you avoid injuries to your knees and reduce damage to your joints.
Maintain a healthy weight to reduce the additional strain on your knee joints.
When participating in sports or physical activities, make sure you warm-up, take things slowly and acquire flexibility. Weak muscles can cause knee injuries. Training for stability and balance can help the muscles around the knees grow stronger.
The treatment plan for swollen knees includes :
Swelling in the knees can occur with or without injury. The complex structure and repeated use of knees can make them vulnerable to injuries. Individuals with the underlying disease should seek treatment in the form of medications and physical therapy. Prevention is the key to avoid the degeneration of knee joints. Recovery from swollen knees can begin by resting your knee and ensuring self-care. It is advisable to seek professional care for swelling in the knees.
Delayed swelling occurs due to certain injuries because of the damage to the knee joint’s tissues. The trauma due to an injury can cause the joint fluid to accumulate and cause swelling.
Running causes repeated trauma to the knee joints. Inappropriate physical activity may cause stress on the knee joint and cause swelling.
Monitor the pain in your knee joint. See your doctor if your knees feel warm to the touch and become red and when movements cause pain.
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