Verified By Apollo General Physician December 19, 2023
6423Stroke happens either when the blood supply to part of your brain is cut off because of a blood clot, or because a brain artery ruptures and leads to a haemorrhage. Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, but most strokes can be prevented by addressing a number of key risk factors – including blood pressure.
High blood pressure affects about half of people in the world and often has no noticeable symptoms. Left untreated, it damages blood vessels and can lead to a number of serious diseases including stroke. More than half of all strokes are associated with hypertension or high blood pressure. A simple blood pressure check can determine whether you have high blood pressure and a health professional can advise on whether your condition can be managed with lifestyle changes and/or the right medication.
The only way to check for high blood pressure is to have it checked. When you have a blood pressure check, your health professional will record two numbers known as systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure, the higher number, is a measure of the force with which blood is being pumped around your body. Diastolic pressure is the level of resistance to the blood flow in your body. The definition of elevated blood pressure is a measure of 120/80 or above. If you have blood pressure of 140/90 or above, this is called hypertension.
Consistently high or elevated blood pressure makes your circulatory system – your heart, arteries and blood vessels – work harder at their job of moving blood around your body. This extra work causes damage that can make your blood vessels, including those in your brain, harder and narrower over time. This process, known as atherosclerosis, increases the risk of blockages in the blood vessels in your brain. If the blood supply to an area of the brain is cut off or restricted it can lead to permanent brain damage, or death.
Atherosclerosis can also increase the pressure in the blood vessels in the brain causing them to burst and bleed. This is called a haemorrhagic stroke which can also cause permanent damage to the brain or death.
High (elevated) blood pressure is linked to
High blood pressure is also linked to a number of lifestyle factors. Addressing these factors can help you to prevent and to manage your blood pressure, they will also help you to reduce your risk of stroke.
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