Verified By Apollo Hospitals October 1, 2024
It is a form of arthritis that occurs commonly in men between ages 30 to 50 and in women after menopause. Gout causes severe joint pain in areas like the toes, ankles, knees and elbows. Numerous factors put some people at risk of developing this disease.
Gout is a type of arthritis where your body has more uric acid than usual. This excess uric acid turns into urate crystals, which gets deposited in the joints leading to an attack of acute gout. During acute gout you feel sudden onset intolerable pain in the affected joint. In ancient times, people referred to it as the ‘king’s disease’ because only wealthy people had access to plenty of alcohol and red meats, which are strongly linked with the development of gout.
Gout symptoms may include severe pain and swelling in joints associated with redness, hot to touch and burning sensation. You may also notice prolonged discomfort and restricted movement. It attacks often come suddenly. For example, you may wake up with joint pain in the middle of the night. In most cases, joint pain occurs in only one joint at a time. Initial 36 hours are usually the most painful. In some instances, flare-ups can last up to 10 days. Gout causes enormous discomfort and affects your daily life. Some symptoms include:
In most cases, the gout attack persists for more than 24 hours. Seek medical advice if you experience sudden attacks of severe pain in one joint. Gout can lead to permanent damage to your joints left untreated. You can seek expert care with Apollo Hospitals to prevent recurrent gout attacks and protect your joint.
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Gout disease develops when urate crystals get deposited in your joints. Certain foods like red meat, liver, steak, seafood and dehydration during summer or secondary to diarrhea may trigger a gout attack. Consumption of excess alcohol also leads to high levels of uric acid in the blood. Sedentary lifestyle and comorbidities like heart and kidney problems can put you at risk.
Certain medications are effective in treating acute gout, these are followed by use of specific drugs to keep uric acid level under control. Patients who experience recurring gout symptoms may need long-term treatment to prevent attacks of acute gout.
Having higher levels of uric acid in the body increases your chances of developing gout. There are some risk factors involved, such as:
Coping with gout disease is not easy. If left untreated, it may lead to irreversible damage to joints leading to chronic pain.
With the help of medicines along with dietary and lifestyle changes, you can prevent future gout attacks.
Men are at more risk of developing gout disease. Gout can cause permanent damage to your joints and restrict your movement. Certain foods like organ meat, red meat, seafood may trigger gout. You can consider making necessary changes in your lifestyle and diet to prevent gout. Gout can be controlled and complications can be minimized when treated appropriately in timely manner.
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