Verified By Apollo Orthopedician September 3, 2023
7855The sacrum is the lower part of the spine, below the lumbar spine and above the coccyx or tailbone. It is made up of five fused vertebrae called sacral vertebrae. Fracture of these vertebrae is called a sacral fracture. The sacrum anchors the spine firmly to a bony structure called pelvic girdle between the two hip bones.
Sacral fractures can be further classified into vertical fractures, transverse fractures, traumatic fractures.
For a stable fracture without complications, bed-rest, along with wearing a brace or sacral corset is enough to promote healing. Medications include pain-killers to alleviate pain.
In case of an unstable fracture with neurological deficit or a displaced fracture (where bones are displaced from the original position), surgery is necessary.
This problem cannot always be prevented. Starting a new sport slowly can help lower the risk of injury. Healthy muscles and bones may also help. This can be achieved through regular diet and exercise.
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