Patient safety is a thought provoking and a challenging global issue both for developed and developing countries. We need to stand up for patient safety, and join hands to make this earth a safe place to live in. The fundamental purpose of this Conference is to discuss how proactive practice and health care systems can improve patient safety. The multidisciplinary invigorating learning sessions will involve participants from all areas of the health care continuum including: clinical and administrative leaders, practitioners, health care, academics, health care regulators, as well as patients and caregivers.
Patient Safety Congress – Best Practices for India seeks to create an industry platform by bringing together all stakeholders thus enabling transformation of healthcare with best practices. Like-minded people who have similar commitment towards patient safety and want to improve the existing safety practices in the country should definitely attend this event from doctors to hospital administrators to nurses, pharmacists, paramedical staff, to even medical/ Healthcare students and others who want to be involved in initiatives to improve patient safety.
Last date for registrations to participate in the Conference is February 15, 2011, to avail early-bird discounts !
Dr. Prathap C Reddy’s “Safe Care” Awards 2011
These awards are being launched in this patient safety congress to honor your dedication and efforts towards patient safety.
* Best patient safety initiative
* Best Employee safety initiative
* Safe Hospital (> 50 Beds), (50-150 Beds), (>150 Beds)
For more details and to register, please visit