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Dr. Sujit Chowdhary is a highly qualified Paediatric Urologist based in South Delhi, boasting an impressive 26 years of experience in the medical field. His academic credentials include an MBBS from the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), followed by a Master of Surgery (MS) and a Master of Chiroplastic Surgery (MCh) from the renowned Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGI). Additionally, Dr. Chowdhary has earned distinctions such as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), along with MCh certification from the European Board, highlighting his commitment to global standards in paediatric healthcare.
Fluent in multiple languages including English, Hindi, Assamese, and Bengali, Dr. Chowdhary is adept at communicating with a diverse patient demographic, ensuring that children and their families feel comfortable and understood during consultations. His focus on paediatric urology allows him to treat a wide array of conditions affecting the urinary tract and genital organs in children, making him a trusted specialist for many families in the region.
At Apollo Hospitals, Dr. Chowdhary is dedicated to delivering compassionate and comprehensive healthcare. His reputation for thoroughness and empathy sets him apart, as he engages closely with patients and their families throughout the treatment process. As a father figure in the medical realm, he prioritizes the well-being of children, ensuring they receive the best possible care tailored to their unique needs. Dr. Sujit Chowdhary continues to impact the lives of young patients positively, helping them lead healthier, happier lives.
- Postgraduate Tutor, Royal College of Surgeons - 2005-
- Cont Associate Prof (Pediatric Urology)Prince of Wales university Hospital,Hong Kong - 2004-2005
- Assistant Prof (Pediatric Surgery) Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh, - 1998-2003
- Senior Registrar (Pediatric Surgery)University of Cape Town,SA - 1996-1997
- Registrar (Pediatric Urology)Birmingham Children’s Hospital,UK - 1995-1996
- Registrar, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education& Research, Chandigarh - 1992-1994
- SHO,Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education& Research Chandigarh - 1989-1992 SHO,
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi - 1989-1989
- Society of Pediatric Urology(USA) - 2007
- European Society of Pediatric Urology - 2004 A
- merican Academy of Pediatrics - 2003
- American College of Surgeons - 2003
- Indian Academy of Pediatrics - 2002
- European Society of Pediatric Urology - 2002
- Association of Surgeons of India - 2001
- British Association of Pediatric Surgeons - 2000
- Royal College of Surgeons,Edinburgh - 1995
- Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons - 1994
Research and Publication
- Chowdhary S K. Pediatric endourology. Editorial in Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:121-2
- Chowdhary SK. Random thoughts on Pediatric Surgery in India. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2008 Apr;13(2):47-8.
- Chowdhary SK. Pediatric surgery. Indian J Pediatr. 2008 Sep;75(9):923.
- M Kolar,A Kulkarni,A Kaul,S K Chowdhary. Antenatal diagnosis and post natal management of urological anomalies. Perinatology 2004
- Chowdhary SK, Kolar M, Yeung CK. Urinary tract infection in children : the urological perspective. J Ind Pediatr. 2004 ; 71 : 1117-1120.
- Chowdhary SK,Gupta A,Narasimahan KL,Rao KLN. Management of anorectal malformation in neonates Ind J of Ped 1999; 66 :791-798.
- Chowdhary SK,Jain A,Singh PP,Joseph SC. Delivery systems for pediatric parenteral nutrition Ind J Pediatr 1999; 19 :7-8.
- Chowdhary SK,Parashar K. Central venous access through the peripheral route Curr Opn Clin Nutr and Metab Care 2000;3: 217-219.
- Singh M,Singh SK,ChowdharySK. Management of Empyema thoracic in children Ind Pediatr 2002 ; 39(2) : 145-47.
- Chowdhary SK, Wilcox D, Ransley PG Post urethral valves : antenatal diagnosis and management J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2003; 8(3): 163-169.
- Chowdhary SK, Duffy PG Post urethral valves: the current perspective J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2003 ; 8 : 170-175.
- Chowdhary SK, Menon P, Rao KLN. Management of a child with multiple trauma Ind J Prac Ped 2004.
Series published
- Chowdhary SK. Indiana pouch in children: a 15-year experience. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2014;5:911-6
- Sripathi V, Chowdhary S K. Rigid ureteroscopy in children: our experience. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:138-42
- Chowdhary SK, Trehan A,Das A et al Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma in children :beware of the solitary liver cyst J Pediatr Surg 2004 ; 39(1) :9-12.
- Rao KLN,Menon P,Samujh R,Chowdhary SK,Mahajan JK Fundal tube esophagoplasty for esophageal reconstruction in atresia J Pediatr Surg 2003; 38(12): 1723-5.
- Harish J,Joshi K,Rao KLN,Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Mahajan JK Pelviureteric junction obstruction: how much is the extent of ureter with defective innervation requiring resection J Pediatr Surg 2003; 38(8):1194-8.
- Rao MS,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Inguinal hernias in babies Indian Pediatr2003;40(9):913.
- Narasimahan KL,Samujh R,Bhansali A,MarwahaRK,Chowdhary SK,Radotra BD, Rao KLN Adrenocortical tumours in childhood Pediatr Surg Int 2003; 19(6):432-5.
- Mahajan JK, Kumar D, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Anorectal malformation with malrotation of gut Eur J Pediatr Surg 2003 ;13(1):63-5.
- Chalapathi G, Rao KL, Chowdhary SK et al Testosterone therapy in microphallic hypospadias:topical or parenteral J Pediatr Surg 2003 ; 38(2): 221-3.
- Pimpalwar A, Chowdhary SK, Huskisson L, Corkery JJ Cysts of the ejaculatory system –a treatable cause of recurrent epididymo-orchitis in children Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002 ;12(4) : 281-5.
- Narasimahan KL, Kaur B, Chowdhary SK et al Prospective analysis of renal function and somatic growth in neonatal posterior urethral valves Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002; 12(4):267-71.26. Kumar D, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Postoperative intussusception Ind Pediatr 2002 ;39 (7) : 660-2.Early post operative feeding and outcome in neonatesNutrition 2002;18(5); 380-2.27. Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Suri S et al Foreign body airway obstruction in children –lessons learnt from a prospective audit J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2002;7(4):184-190.28. Prabhu ABMK, Mahajan JK, Chowdhary SK et al Results of orchidopexy J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2003 : 8(2) ; 96-100.29. Bharati V, Mahajan JK, Chowdhary SK etal Efficacy of Bleomycin as a sclerosant for cystic hygroma. J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2004: 6(2) ;103-106. 30. Harish J, Chowdhary SK, Narasimahan KL, Mahajan JK, Rao KLN Efficacy of Nimesulide in pain relief after day care surgery. Indian Pediatr 2002;39(2):178-82.31. Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN. Management of Accessory hepatic ducts in choledochal cyst J Pediatr Surg 2001 ; 36(7):1092-3.32. Chowdhary SK, Walter S, Chaudhuri RK, Bhagat A, Joseph SC Antenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis :outcome with a conservative approach Indian Pediatr 2001; 38(12) : 1401-4.33. Chowdhary SK , Lander A, Parashar K, Corkery JJ Single system ectopic ureter: a fifteen year review Pediatr surg Int 2001; 17(8):638-41. 34. Chowdhary SK,Suri S,Narasimahan KL,Mahajan JK,Rao KLN Duodenal atresia :outcome analysis from a regional neonatal centre Indian Pediatr 2001; 38 (11):1277-80.35. Chowdhary SK,Lander AD,Buick RG,Corkery JJ The primary management of testicular maldescent in gastroschisis Pediatr Surg Intl 2001;177 (5-6) :359-60.36. Chowdhary SK, Parashar K,Buick RG,Gornall P,Corkery JJ Central venous access access through the peripheral route in surgical neonates : an audit of 125 consecutive lines from a regional centre. Pediatr Surg Intl. 2001;17(5-6):359-60.37. Chowdhary SK,Chitnis M,Chowdhary S,Goosen F,Lazarus C Pediatric parenteral nutrition :South African model and its relevance to the developing countries Ind Pediatr 2000 ;37(2): 187-9.38. Chowdhary SK,Choudhury RK,Singh PP,Joseph SC Role of laparoscopy in the management of impalpable testis Ind J of Urol 1999; 17 :13-16.39. Chowdhary SK,Bhasin DK,Panigrahi D et al Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with perforated duodenal ulcer Trop Gaastroenterol 1998;19(1):19-21.40. Katariya S,Chowdhary SK,Pimpalwar A,Rao KLN Saline cystography versus micturating cystourethrography in detection of vesicoureteral reflux Ind J RadiolImaging 2003 : 13 : 45-52.41. Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Thapa BR,Poddar U,Mahajan JK,Samujh R,Rao KLN Biliary atresia: a prospective study Ind Pediatr 2001; 17 : 1144-48.42. Mishra BN,Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Samujh R,Rao KLN Primary neonatal PSARP versus staged PSARP : a comparative analysis J of Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000 ; 30 : 798-800 43. Prasad MR,Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Evaluation of singleversus multiple dose antibiotic prophylaxis in clean contaminated surgery J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000: 30: 798-800.44. Narasimahan KL,Kaur B,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Neonatal indices to predict neonatal surgical survival in a developing country Ind J Ped 2001. 45. Chowdhary SK, Paljor Y, Joseph SC Minimal access surgery in children : early experience J Ind Assoc of Ped Surg 2000; 5: 108-113.46.Chalapathi G, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN, Samujh R, Narasimhan KL, Mahajan JK, Menon P Risk factors in the primary management of anorectal malformation in Northern India. Pediatr Surg Int 2004 Jun ;20(6):408-11.47.Narsimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Vaiphei K,Samujh R,Mahajan JK,Thapa BR,Rao KLN Outcome of Biliary atresia from Chandigarh : results of a prospective analysis
- Ind Pediatr 2001 ; 38 (10): 1144-8 .
Case reports published:
- Mitra shunt (spleen preserving side to side lieno-renal shunt) for portal hypertension with hypersplenism in early infancy. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:96-9.
- Robotic augmentation ileocystoplasty with bilateral ureteric reimplantation in a young child with neuropathic bladder. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2014;19:162-5.
- Robotic approach to vaginal atresia repair in an adolescent girl. Urol Ann (in Press).
- Single piece Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) for secondary incontinence following successful repair of post traumatic urethral injury. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2013 Oct;18(4):152-4.
- Intestinal obstruction in a premature baby: Endoscopic diagnosis and management by minimal access surgery (MAS). J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013 Jul;18(3):118-20.
- Focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis presenting as renal tumor. Jan 2013, Indian J Nephrol;23:76-77.
- Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic gastric pull-up for pure esophageal atresia in early infancy. Jan 2013. J Indian Assc Pediatr Surg;18:27-30
- Sharma D, Shah UH, Sibal A, Chowdhary SK. Cholecystoappendicostomy for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. Indian Pediatr. 2010 Jul;47(7):626-8.
- Shah UH, Kandpal D, Chowdhary SK. Unfortunate complication of feeding tube used as a urethral catheter in a newborn and its endoscopic retrieval. J Pediatr Urol. 2009 Oct;5(5):423-4.
- Yeung CK ,Chowdhary SK,Chan KW,Lee KH,Till H Atypical laparoscopic resection of a liver tumour J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2006 ; 16(3):325-7 .
- Chitnis M,Chowdhary SK,Lazarus C Preoperative angioembolisation for life threatening haemorrhage for Wilms tumour Pediatr Surg Int 2004
- PimpalwarA,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Duplication of pouch colon associated with duplication of lower genitourinary tract J Pediatr Surg 2003 ;38 (2):e1
- Rao KLN,Sunil I,Pimpalwar A,Vaiphei K,Chowdhary SK Intrapancreatic gastric duplication cyst presenting as lower gastrointestinal J Pediatr Surg 2003 ; 38() 243-244.
- Poddar B,Bharati S,Parmar V,Sidhu R,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN Respiratory failure due to pulmonary calcification in primary hyperparathyroidism Arch Dis Child 2002 ;87:257
- Chowdhary SK,Harish J,Thapa BR,Poddar U,Das A,Rao KLNCrohns disease: disastrous consequences of delayed diagnosis Ind J Pediatr 2002;69:533-4.
- Gupta PR,Chowdhary SK, Joshi K, Shukla R,Rao KLN Shah Wardenburg Syndrome syndrome Ind J Pediatr 2002 ;69 (5): 447-9.
- Chitnis M, Chowdhary SK,Lazarus C application of Malone’s antegrade continence enema principle in degenerative leiyomyopathy Pediatr Surg Intl 2001 ; 17(5):470-1.
- Chowdhary SK Rare complication of intestinal volvulus with perforation of small bowel secondary to peritoneal end of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt Pediatr SurgIntl 2001; 17(2) :248.
- Chowdhary SK,Suri S, Narasimahan KL ,Rao KLN Ectopic scrotum and patent urachus Pediatr Surg Intl 2001 ;17 (1): 75-6.
- Chowdhary SK,Pimpalwar A,Narasimahan KL,Katariya S,Rao KLN Blunt injury of the abdomen : a plea for CT Pediatr Radiol 2000;30(11) :798-800.Chowdhary SK ,Narasimahan KL,Ray R,Marwaha RK,Mitra SK Epitheloid sarcoma in a neonate Ind Pediatr 2000;37(4):441-443.
- Buick RG,Chowdhary SK Backache : a rare diagnosis and an unusual complication Pediatr Surg Intl 1999;15(8):586-7
- Chowdhary SK,Pimpalwar A,Narasimahan KL,Katariya S,Rao KLN Blunt injury of the abdomen : a plea for CT Pediatr Radiol 2000;30(11) :798-800.
- Chowdhary SK,Chitnis M,Perold J,Lazarus C Hypothyroidism in a neonate following excision of a cervical teratoma Pediatr Surg Intl 1998 ;14(3): 212-3.
- Pimpalwar A, Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Iatrogenic esophageal perforation during devascularisation procedure managed by Thals procedure wrap Ind J Gastroenterol 2000; 19 (1) :39
- Menon P,Suniel I,Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Hunt Lawrence pouch after total gastrectomy : 4 years follow up Ind Pediatr 2003 ;40(3) : 249-51.
- Chitnis M,ChowdharySK,Lazarus C Use of intravenous fluid bags for silo in Gastroschisis Ind J of Surgery 1999 ; 61 :26-28.
- Narasimahan KL, Chowdhary SK, Singh Y,Rao KLN Hair coil penile injury in children with underlying urological problems Ind J of Urol 2000;9:164-165.
- Narasimahan KL,Chowdhary SK, Marwaha RK,Rao KLN Renal failure following unilateral nephrectomy in Wilms tumour Ind J of Urol 1999; 7 : 157-160.
- Chowdhary SK,Corkery JJ,Bhagat A,Joseph SC Malrotation and pyloric stenosis:a new association J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2000 ;5 : 129-134.
- Chalapathy G,Chowdhary SK,Narasimahan KL,Rao KLN Beckwith Weidman syndrome J Ind Assoc of Pediatr Surg 2000; 5:138-141.31.Narasimahan KL,Mishra BN,Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN A survey of training, professional status and career opportunities of pediatric surgeons in the Indian context J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000 ;5 :138 -141.
- Chowdhary SK,Paljor Y,Joseph SC Minimal access surgery in children:Early experience J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000;5 : 95-97.
- Chowdhary SK, Chowdhary S,Goosen F, Lazarus C SCIWORA : spinal cord injury without a radiological abnormality , a diagnosis not to be missed J Ind Assoc Pediatr Surg 2000;5: 160-164.34. Gupta PR,Chowdhary SK,Marwaha RK,Radotra BD,Rao KLN Actinomycotic Lung abscess : a diagnosis in retrospect J Ind Assoc Ped Surg 2001;6:42-45.
- Chowdhary SK,Eradi B, Narasimahan KL,Rao KLN Neonatal renal malformations Neonatology 2001.
- Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN (Book Review) Pediatric surgery vade mecum Arensman R. J Ind Assoc Pediat Surg 2000; 2: 211-12.
- Pimpalwar A, Narsimhan KL,Chowdhary SK, Rao KLN Iatrogenic esophageal perforation during devascularisation procedure managed by Thals wrap Ind J Gastroenterol 2000 Jan –Mar : 19 (1) : 39.36. Chowdhary SK,Rao KLN (Book Review) Pediatric surgery vade mecum Arensman R. J Ind Assoc Pediat Surg 2000; 2: 211-12.
Special Interests
- Pediatric and reconstructive urology
- Traumatic genitourinary injuries
- Urodynamics
- Robotic surgery
List of Conditions Treated
- Bedwetting
- Varicocele
- Vesicoureteral Reflux
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary practice?
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary's medical practice is located at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar. This hospital is known for its comprehensive healthcare services and renowned medical specialists.
Why do patients choose Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary?
Patients consult Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary for a range of pediatric needs, including allergy testing, viral fever treatment, and fracture management. His expertise extends to treating various childhood injuries.
What do patients say about Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary?
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary has received positive feedback from seven patients and six patient recommendations. Detailed patient testimonials are available.
What are Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary's medical qualifications?
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary holds an MBBS, an MS in General Surgery, an MCh in Pediatric Surgery, and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS).
What is Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary's specialization?
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary specializes in Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Urology, and Pediatrics.
How many years of experience does Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary have?
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary has 29 years of experience in Pediatric Surgery. His extensive experience spans various medical settings.
Who is Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary?
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary is a Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Urologist, and Pediatrician with 24 years of experience. He practices at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in Sarita Vihar, Delhi. His qualifications include MBBS from Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune (1988), MS - General Surgery from PGI (1992), and MCh - Pediatric Surgery from PGI (1994).