1. Best Outgoing Student- 10th standard
2. Third Prize in State level Quiz- KAPICON 2014
3. TYSA (Torrent Young scholar award- A competition conducted at the national level in the different fields of medicine every year)- Finalist at the National round for cardiology
Selected for International Travel grants by Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) conducted at Thailand, 2019
1. Single Atrium in 42 year old Male, Dr. Ramesh B, Dr. Ravikanth, Dr. Vyshnav Roop singh Scholars Journal of Medical case Reports 2014;2(3):190-191
2.Coronary calcium on X-Ray: Clinical-Medical Image- International Journal of clinical and medical images(2018)- volume 5, Issue 7
3. Short term and mid term outcomes of Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) in patients with moderate to severe Calcific coronary artery disease (CAD) Dibya Kumar Baruah, Ravikanth Telikicherla Journal of American college of cardiology Volume 79, Issue 15, Supplement, 19 April 2022, Pages S11-S12
4. 3D mapping and ablation of left sided atypical atrial flutter
Bangladesh Heart, Vol 37, No.2, July 2022