Verified By Apollo Hospitals October 1, 2024
Radiation sickness is an illness resulting from a high exposure to ionizing radiation.
This is an acute illness triggered by irradiation of the full body or sometimes some parts of the body by a high dose of radiation in a short span of time, generally a few minutes.
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Radiation sickness is also called acute radiation syndrome or radiation poisoning.
Radiation sickness is a common occurrence when your body is exposed to a high degree of radiation over a short period of time. Low radiation tests like X-rays will not cause radiation sickness.
Symptoms of this illness mostly vary depending on the amount of radiation you’ve absorbed in your body. The amount of radiation you absorb depends on the dose of the radiation energy, the extent of your susceptibilities and the distance between the patient and the origin of radiation.
Initial symptoms
There are a few significant early manifestations of radiation sickness, usually vomiting . The duration between exposure and the time of developing these symptoms indicates the extent of radiation absorbed .
After the initial symptoms are over, an individual having radiation sickness may have no noticeable illness for a short period of time.
Other symptoms will follow and these include:
Radiation sickness is triggered by exposure to an enormous amount of radiation, like an abnormally high dose of radiation from an industrial disaster.
Origins of high-degree radiation areas can include:
If you know you’ve been overexposed to radiation, medical consultation is required, and treatment is necessary.
Request an appointment at Apollo Hospitals.
Call 1860-500-1066 to book an appointment.
In case of an emergency:
If you’re instructed to evacuate, obey the instructions given by your municipality or local authorities. Try to relax and move quickly but systematically.
The objective of treatment for radiation sickness is to impede further radioactive contamination, deal with life-threatening damages, such as burns and trauma, reduce symptoms and cure pain.
Some treatment steps include :
Decontamination: It involves removal of external radioactive particles.
Treatment for damaged bone marrow: A protein known as granulocyte colony (stimulating factor that promotes growth of white blood cells) might counter the effect of radiation illness on bone marrow. If you have serious damage to bone marrow, you may also receive transfusions of red blood cells or blood platelets.
Treatment for internal contamination
Other symptomatic treatments would also be administered .
A person who has absorbed huge amounts of radiation will have this illness. This can even lead to death. An individual with a lethal radiation exposure will need immediate treatments .
About 5 or 6 hours after the initial radiation exposure, symptoms will start, and ultimately, can even be fatal.
Radiation cannot be spread from person to person.
Depending on the stage of fetal development, effects on health can include growth restriction, malformations, distorted brain function and cancer.
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