Verified By Apollo Hospitals October 1, 2024
Long QT Syndrome is a disorder of the electrical system of the heart, similar to arrhythmia. It is an abnormality that delays the process of recharging of the cardiac cells, once they have been released by the electrical system of the heart. It causes fast chaotic heartbeats.
In Long QT Syndrome, the ventricles (lower chambers of the heart) take a very long time to release and contract. The name of this condition comes from the letters associated with the waveforms created by the electrical signals of the heart when recorded by the ECG (electrocardiogram). The intervals between the letters Q and T defines the whole action of the ventricles. ‘Long QT Syndrome’ thus means, the time gap between the points Q and T on the waveform are very long, even if it is just by fractions of a second.
In general, a prolonged QT interval can suddenly happen by everyday circumstances too, including:
But, in all of these instances, the heartbeat usually regains its normal contraction rhythm back quickly. Long QT Syndrome affects around one million people per year in India. If left untreated, half of the people with Long QT Syndrome could die within 10 years after the first symptoms of it being noticed. People at high risk of Long QT Syndrome include young children, teenagers and young adults with unexplained fainting, seizures, near drowning or with a history of cardiac arrest. It is generally inherited in most of the cases, but it can also be caused by some medications taken for other medical problems.
Long QT Syndrome is mainly an inherited disorder. Several genes have been clearly identified that affects the QT intervals, which means several varieties of Long QT Syndrome exist. Some of these have been associated with a high incidence of arrhythmiasand sudden death, which quite often occur in several members of the family. But there are some other forms of Long QT Syndrome which can be much less dangerous.
They can be broadly classified into three types: acquired, prolonged, and inherited.
Sometimes it’s also possible to have hereditary and acquired forms, both together. There are several types of medications that cause Long QT Syndrome, viz.
This ECG measures electrical impulses as five different waves. Doctors have labeled these five waves with the letters P, Q, R, S, and T. The two waves labeled as Q through T show the electrical activity in the heart’s lower chambers called the ventricles.
The length between the start of the ‘Q’ wave and the end of the ‘T’ wave (i.e. QT interval) corresponds to the actual time it takes for the respective heart to contract and then refill with blood before the next contraction begins.
Doctors measure whether the QT interval is occurring in a normal amount of time. It is called a prolonged QT interval if the interval takes longer than normal to occur. QT interval takes into account the age, sex, speed, and regularity of the heart rate.
There is about 20 percent of people who definitely have an inherited long QT syndrome but have a negative genetic test result. On the other hand, among families with genetically established Long QT Syndrome, between 10 to 37 percent of their relatives have a normal QT interval with a positive Long QT Syndrome genetic test.
There are supposedly two forms of inherited Long QT Syndrome:
Apparently, scientists have been investigating a possible link between long QT syndrome and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). They supposedly have discovered that almost five to ten percent of babies affected by the SIDS had either genetic defects or mutation for long QT syndrome.
The symptoms of Long QT Syndrome only occur when the patient develops an episode of dangerous tachycardia, and the degree of those symptoms depends on the length of time. If it is only momentary, then a few seconds of extreme dizziness might be the only symptom. If it persists for longer than 10 seconds, then syncope occurs. And if it lasts for much more than a few minutes, the victim shall never regain their consciousness.
But fortunately, most of the people with Long QT Syndrome types never really experience any life-threatening symptoms. They may only know of their condition after having an ECG for other reasons. Those who do experience may have the following symptoms:
All of these symptoms above might start unexpectedly and may be triggered by reasons such as:
o Sudden noises
o Strenuous exercises
o A very slow heart rate while sleeping
Sometimes the symptoms might start as early as the fetus stage, during the first few weeks to months after their birth, sometimes after the age of 40, or sometimes never at all.
The following methods are commonly used to diagnose Long QT Syndrome.
The main treatments for Long QT Syndrome include lifestyle changes, medicines, and surgery.
For those patients who cannot tolerate beta blockers, a surgery called LCSD, left cardiac sympathetic denervation, may be performed.
If one has inherited Long QT Syndrome, they must be careful about which medications they take. Some medications such as certain appetite suppressants, common antibiotics and decongestants might trigger dangerous heart rhythms. Doctors’ prescriptions and supervisions are always a must. Illegal drugs, like cocaine or amphetamines, pose a very serious risk for people with QT syndromes.
Always seek medical treatment immediately for illnesses that result in low blood potassium levels, especially if it is accompanied with a lot of vomiting and
diarrhea treatments Such illnesses might trigger the Long QT Syndrome. Doctors might advise patients not to take some specific drugs like diuretics which lowers blood-potassium levels.
Apart from the above situations, there are some people with Long QT Syndrome, mainly older adults who might not have had signs or symptoms of the condition for decades. Taking preventive measures is enough for such people, and treatments aren’t necessary.
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