Verified By Apollo Hospitals June 12, 2019
Unrestrained growth and spread of unhealthy cells in the liver is called Liver cancer. If Cancer begins in the liver, it is called primary liver cancer. However, if Cancer spreads to the liver from other organs like colon, stomach, pancreas, breast cancer, etc. is called metastatic or secondary liver cancer.
Is liver tumor different from liver cancer?
Any node or mass inside the liver is called a liver tumor. Liver tumors can be non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). The most common type of cancer that originates in the liver is known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).
There are several causes of primary liver cancer. Risk factors for liver cancer include:
In the initial stages, Liver Cancer usually has no apparent symptoms. Only when the tumor becomes large, it causes symptoms. Certain symptoms are related to liver failure, which develops when cancer spreads within the liver. The following symptoms can occur:
Also Read: Liver Function Test Normal Range
If liver cancer is suspected, you will need a CT or MRI scan for confirmation. Unlike other cancers, a biopsy is not always required for the diagnosis of liver cancer. Special blood tests called ‘Tumour Markers’ also aid in the diagnosis. It is very important to detect liver cancers in early stages for good clinical outcomes.
What is liver cancer screening?
Liver cancer screening is the best way to detect liver cancer when it is in early stages and is easily treatable. Patients who have Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or liver cirrhosis and are at high risk of developing liver cancer should undergo periodic screening tests. This usually involves a blood test to look for a cancer marker (AFP – Alpha Feto Protein test) and an ultrasound scan of the liver to look for small nodules in the liver that may be cancer. If the AFP value is high or a nodule is detected in an ultrasound, further tests like a CT or MRI scan, are advised. The screening tests are usually advised once every six months.
You and your family should have a clear understanding of the disease and the treatment plan.
The treatment of liver cancer treatment depends on:
Different ways of treating liver cancer are:
Is liver transplant effective for liver cancer?
The most effective treatment for liver cancer is to remove the affected part or the complete organ (Liver Transplant) by surgery. However, surgery may not be possible if there are sign & symptoms of liver failure or if the tumor is large in size. In this situation, it is possible to perform liver transplantation during which the entire liver along with the tumor is removed and replaced by a liver organ harvested from the donor.
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