Ultrasonography is a diagnostic imaging technique that involves scanning the body’s internal organs using high-frequency sound waves. The image shows the size, density, and shape of internal organs to help in medical diagnosis.
Physicians use ultrasound imaging to help diagnose conditions affecting the organs and soft tissues of the body, including:
There are certain diagnostic limitations for ultrasounds. For instance, sound waves do not transmit well through areas that may hold gas or air (like intestines), or areas blocked by dense bone.
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Sometimes, ultrasound is used in the detection and treatment of certain soft-tissue injuries.
When a physician has to remove tissue from a very precise area in your body (such as in a needle biopsy) ultrasound imaging can help by giving visual direction.
Ultrasound scans are usually associated with pregnancy. The scans can give a mother anticipating delivery the first view of her unborn child. The test is not limited only to pregnancy and helps diagnose medical conditions such as kidney stones, gallstones, enlarged organs, and liver disease.
A doctor can ask for an ultrasound scan if a person is suffering pain, swelling, or displays other symptoms that require an internal view of the organs. Ultrasound sonography is used for examination of the internal organs without any incisions. Some of the internal organs seen by ultrasonography include:
Ultrasonography is also used to guide surgeons’ movements during some medical procedures like biopsies.
The preparation for ultrasound sonography depends on the area of the body or the organ being examined. Different preparations depending on the organs are:
Ultrasound Sonography is performed as follows:
Following an ultrasound, the doctor will check and review the images for any abnormalities.
The patient will be called, or a follow-up will be scheduled for the discussions regarding the findings from the examination. The patient may have to undergo other diagnostic techniques like MRI, CT scan, or a biopsy sample of tissue depending on the area examined if anything abnormal turns up on the ultrasound.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance regarding your health and test results.
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