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HomeCentres of ExcellencePackagesApollo Teens (Adolescent) Health Check

Apollo Teens (Adolescent) Health Check

Apollo Teens (Adolescent) Health Check

Call: 1 860 500 0707
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Apollo Teens Health Check is exclusively designed for adolescent children between the ages of 13 and 19 years and helps to identify Obesity, Anemia, glucose intolerance, nutritional, endocrine and emotional disorders etc. which are commonly found in adolescent age group.

Fasting is not required.

Recommended For :

Parents seeking pediatrician’s advice on the dietary, emotional and behavioral aspects of their teen age children.

Age Group (Recommended) :

13-19 years of age

Frequency :

Once a year or as advised by Pediatrician or Adolescent Medicine Consultant.


Haemogram :
  • Hemoglobin
  • Packed Cell Volume
  • RBC Count
  • Total WBC
  • Differential Count
  • Platelet Count
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • ESR and Peripheral Smear (if CBC findings are abnormal)
Blood Sugar :
  • Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
General Tests :
  • Urine Routine Analysis
  • X-Ray Chest (PA view)
Consultations :
  • Clinical Examination
  • Medical Summary
  • Pediatric/Specialist in Adolescent Medicine Consult and advice along with exclusive counseling on problems specific to adolescents.

UPDATED ON 14/05/2024

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