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HomeCentres of ExcellenceCritical CareRemote Critical Care Expertise

Remote Critical Care Expertise

  • AHEL is the Largest Critical Care provider among corporate healthcare sector in India
  • It has rich experience of setting up remote tele-health facilities, including Tele-ICU
  • Apollo Remote Health Care programme has pioneered remote health agenda in partnership with state/national health programmes in India
  • Embedded in the Remote Health Care programme is enriched environment of continuous monitoring of the services, education, evaluation and quality assurance
  • AHEL has started an ambitious programme of Critical Care Integration and Transformation to provide sustained improvements in our offerings to the partners and the patients
  • We offer a flexible yet robust approach to provision of remote-site critical care services for a range of requirements. These include
    • Telephonic consultations
    • Video-linked consultations
    • Full-fledged tele-ICU service
    • Bed-side critical care
    • Stabilization and safe transfer
  • We provide world class education in critical care through Medvarsity and Tele-ICU programme, which can be tailored to the requirements of the remote sites.
  • We also can provide Quality Monitoring/ Management & Capacity Building (QMCB).

For further details, please contact :-
Professor Ravi P Mahajan
Director Critical Care Integration and Transformation
Email :

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