Home Risk Of Dependence And Other Side Effects Of Self Medication You Cannot Ignore

Risk Of Dependence And Other Side Effects Of Self Medication You Cannot Ignore

In the current times of COVID-19 pandemic, fear and anxiety have caused an increase in number of people who indulge in self-diagnosis and resort to self-medication on the basis of information available online including home remedies without proven safety and efficacy. Currently, to be very precise no medication is proven to be a cure of COVID-19, with most of the medications available being just of experimental therapies. The medications being promoted aggressively don’t have any scientific basis that they help in treating the infection. Antibiotics that are sometimes being used by people aren’t much effective against this viral infection. It is difficult to overlook the implications of inappropriate and unneeded Self-medication, which can result in polypharmacy, erroneous diagnosis, unpleasant effects, drug interactions, antibiotic resistance, and higher drug costs. Hence it becomes important that even the slightest of symptoms should be reported to the medical authorities for the patient’s benefit, instead of indulging in self-medication. To overcome the difficulties increased public understanding and education on reasonable use of medications is required.

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