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Patient Mr Murti suffered from a heart problem with multiple blockages in arteries of the heart for which he underwent successful Robotic assist Minimally Invasive CABG under the special care of Dr M M Yusuf, Dr Mukesh Goel and Dr. Varun Bansal, Consultants, Robotic and MICS, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi.

अपोलो अस्पताल दिल्ली पूरे भारत में बेहतर चिकित्सकीय सेवाओं के लिए जाना जाता है। डॉ. वरुण बंसल इंद्रप्रस्थ अपोलो अस्पताल दिल्ली के वरिष्ठ कार्डियोथोरेसिक सर्जन हैं। जो मरीजों के बीमारी, उसके लक्षणों को समझ उसके निदान में मदद करते हैं।कृष्णा मूर्ती के हृदय में समस्या थी। उन्हें सांस लेने में भी काफी समस्या हो रही थी। बेहतर उपचार के लिए वे नई दिल्ली के इंद्रप्रस्थ अपोलो अस्पताल पहुंचे। जहां उन्हें डॉ. वरुण बंसल वरिष्ठ कार्डियोथोरेसिक सर्जन के मार्गदर्शन में सबसे पहले सारी जांच की गई। मरीज को रोबोटिक कार्डिएक सर्जरी की सलाह दी गई। मरीज की छाती में केवल एक ही कट के सहारे यह पूरी सर्जरी की गई। मरीज सर्जरी के चौथे दिन से पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ हैं।

An innovative technique is skillfully done for the first time in the country under the care of Dr. Vanita Arora, Senior Consultant -Cardiac Electrophysiologist & Interventional Cardiologist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.Watch Sebastian William share his experience of receiving a safe and secure surgery at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi.

गैस्ट्रो इसोफेजियल रिफ्लक्स डिजीज को आम तौर पर हार्ट बर्न भी कहा जाता है। यह पाचन तंत्र संबंधी समस्या है। इस रोग में पेट के एसिडिक कन्टेंट भोजन नलिका में वापस बहने लगते हैं। रिफ्लक्स के परिणाम स्वरूप आपकी भोजन नली की अंदरूनी सतह में जलन होती है। इस स्थिति को ही हार्ट बर्न कहते हैं।

इससे सीने में जलन, खट्टी डकारें, सांस लेने में तकलीफ जैसी समस्या होने लगती है। आप अपनी जीवन-शैली में सकारात्मक बदलाव कर गैस्ट्रो इसोफेजियल रिफ्लक्स की समस्या से निपट सकते हैं। लंबे समय तक रिफ्लक्स डिजीज की समस्या के बने रहने और उसका इलाज न कराने से भोजन नलिका में सूजन हो सकती है। अगर यह समस्या लंबे समय से आपको परेशान कर रही है तो तत्काल आप डॉक्टरी सलाह लें।

Mr. Amarjeet Singh who visited Apollo Hospital complained of difficulty in walking and had compressed nerves of Lumbar L3, L4, L5. He underwent a successful spinal decompression and fixation surgery under the expert supervision of Dr. Saurabh Rawall, Sr. Consultant, Spine, and Scoliosis, at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals after which he recovered well. Dr. Rawall explained that with recent advancement in medical technologies severe problems related to spine can be treated with 99% of success rate. Watch him as he shares his journey surviving severe lumbar canal stenosis with Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals..

Dr. Dharamveer Agarwal was diagnosed with cancer in 2016 and treated, but the cancer resurfaced four years later with an enlarged prostate. He was eventually diagnosed with a bladder hematoma; and advised to undergo HyperBaric Oxygen treatment which involves delivering oxygen to the body at high pressure, allowing the body to heal itself. He underwent the procedure under guidance of Dr. Tarun Sahni, Sr. Consultant Internal Medicine and Head of the Hyperbaric Medicine Unit and recovered well post treatment. Watch him share his 30-day safe and comfortable experience at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Nicholas Bahadoor, suffered from a very rare and aggressive type of blood cancer called Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia. He travelled from his country Trinidad and Tobago to India specifically to get treated for his condition as it required a bone marrow transplant, which is a very tedious surgery requiring professional care and expert treatment plan. Surgery was performed under the skilled guidance of Dr. Gaurav Kharya, Senior Consultant & Head Pediatric Hemato-oncology Immunology & Bone Marrow Transplant. Surgery went well and Nicholas had smooth recovery.

Mr. Ved Kumar, a resident of New Delhi was suffering from back pain from the last three years and was later diagnosed with high-grade spondylolisthesis, as few of his nerves were being compressed due to L5 vertebrae being pushed forward of S1 vertebrae and not being in one alignment with each other resulting in severe pain in lower regions of the body. He underwent a successful operation under the expert supervision of Dr. Saurabh Rawall, Sr. Consultant, Spine, and Scoliosis, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Watch him share his safe and pleasant experience at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Patient Nawal Singh underwent a successful operation for Lumbar Canal Scoliosis under the expert care of Dr. Saurabh Rawall, Sr. Consultant, Spine and Scoliosis, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals. Prior to the surgery, patient complained of pain in lower half of body and had difficulty in walking. Doctor explained that the patient had few severely compressed nerves and suffered from Spondylitis which made it difficult to perform day to day activities.

Watch him share his experience as he was terrified to go under such surgery but Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals made it easy and comfortable for him.

9 years old, Anshi Shukla, of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh suffered from a severe aplastic anemia. She complained of acute weakness, fatigue and dizziness. Due to her condition very little proportion of blood was being made by her body, for which she underwent a successful Haploidentical Transplant under the professional care and guidance of Dr. Gaurav Kharya, Sr. Consultant and Head Pediatric Hemato-oncology Immunology and Bone Marrow Transplant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals. Anshi was relieved of her symptoms and recovered well.

Watch her share her inspiring story and the excellent treatment she received at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Nicholas Bahadoor, a leukemia patient who traveled to India, New Delhi from Trinidad and Tobago to cure himself of this condition, underwent chemotherapy (which he was apprehensive about at first). All his fears and doubts relating to cost of the surgery and complications associated with them were cleared by Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi and he underwent best chemotherapy treatment recovering smoothly, under the expert care of Dr. Gaurav Kharya, Sr. Consultant and Head Pediatric Hemato-oncology Immunology and Bone Marrow Transplant, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.

Watch him share his safe and pleasant experience at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Mrs. Reena Sharma underwent a successful Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy surgery for removal of gallstones and gallbladder under the expert care of Dr. Rekha Jaiswal, Sr. Consultant and Surgeon Bariatric, Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals. Prior to the surgery Mrs. Reena complained of stomach ache and later on doctor explained that the surgery was bit difficult due to presence of adhesions but inspite of all the challenges the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy went well and Mrs. Reena recovered smoothly.

Watch her as she shares her safe and pleasant experience at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Ali Abbas suffered from thalassemia, after several blood transfusions he underwent for bone marrow transplant twice to treat his condition. After first surgery, inorder to suppress Ali`s immune response to the graft and accept it well doctors, had to systematically prepare and work hard for two months. It was successful under expert guidance of Dr. Gaurav Kharya, Sr. Consultant and Head Pediatric Hemato-oncology Immunology and Bone Marrow Transplant specialist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.

Watch Ali and his father share their safe and pleasant experience at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

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