The heart is the most vital organ of the human body. It requires special attention and care. Over the years, doctors and researchers have devised new methods and techniques to save people with severe heart conditions. Heart Transplant Surgery is one such treatment that has saved millions of people worldwide
चोटों के लिए खुद की जाँच करें यदि आप सड़क दुर्घटना से ग्रस्त हुए है, तो सबसे पहले खुद को जांचें । देखें कि आप अपने अंगों एवं मांसपेशियों को अच्छी तरह हिला सकते हैं, उन पर वजन सहन कर सकते हैं एवं क्या आपको चक्कर जैसे लक्षण का अनुभव
सांप का काटना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है लेकिन यह ऐसी घटना है जो उष्णकटिबंधीय उपमहाद्वीप में निरंतर होती रहती है। कृषि भूमि, जंगली इलाकों और अधिक पेड़ पौधें वाले क्षेत्रों में तो सांप के काटने की घटनाएं और अधिक पाई जाती हैं। यह ध्यान देना आवश्यक है कि जिस जगह पर सांप
Women have menstrual cycles starting from the age of about 11-12 years up to about 50 years of age. In this time span, a woman is likely to have a few episodes of bleeding that are not her usual cycle. If this abnormality is a persistent occurrence, then you should
The health of the heart is of the utmost importance for everybody. Heart diseases can affect a person of any age, even people who eat right and today it has become quite easy to be mistaken or wrong about heart conditions, simply because of the abundance of misconceptions and confusions
Estimated to affect 1 in 20 women at some point in their life, breast cancer is a condition that starts in the breast’s cells. Same as any type of cancer, breast cancer is when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably. This cancer usually starts in a tiny, confined area of the glands