The Cardiology Team at Apollo Hospitals, Nelloreperformed successful yet another rare surgery. Cardiac Surgeon Dr. Nagaraju and Cardiologist Dr. C. Bhakthavatsala Reddy said, “Our team of experts along with state-of-art equipment made this critical surgery successful”.
65 years old Patient Ms. Parvathi resident of PR Colony, Kovur, was presented with a rare condition in which her heart was on the right side of the chest against natural position.It occurs 1 out of every 12,000 people. Ms. Parvathi approached the hospital for heart related complaints. After examining the patient, doctors considered her forbypass surgery.
It was a challenge for the doctors to operate on a person who has the heart at opposite side.The Cardiology Team at Apollo Hospitals, Nellore accepting the challenge successfully, set up three grafts.
It is creditable that Apollo Hospitals, Nellore offers medical care on par with bigger metro cities.