About Apollo ILS


Apollo hospitals has the fastest growing Liver Transplant program with largest volume of cadaver liver transplants.

Apollo Institute of Liver Sciences aims to provide effective health care by connecting our specialists with people dealing with liver conditions. An adept team, ably supplemented by Apollo’s care and commitment provides a fresh lease of life to our patients. Apollo hospitals has the fastest growing Liver Transplant program with largest volume of cadaver liver transplants.

The First successful paediatric and adult liver transplants in India were carried out at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi in 1998. Since then, there has been no looking back, and today we have one of the most successful liver transplant programmes in South Asia.

Our centres are equipped with state-of-the-art technology for liver surgery such as the laparoscopic Argon Beam Laser as well as Tissue Link™ which are used in combination with other methods of liver resection like CUSA™ and Laparoscopic Vascular Stapling. Bloodless Liver Surgery is performed with high success rates.

Blood Bank facilities are available round the clock, to take care of both routine and emergency cases. Specialized Pathology and Immunology facilities are available at our laboratories for the investigation of patients of liver transplantation- both donors and recipients.

For patients requiring hospitalization, we have a dedicated Hepatobiliary Critical Care Unit, a Heptobiliary physician on call, Anaesthesia staff and a Specialized OR Nursing team. For postoperative convalescence and monitoring of donors and recipients, dedicated ICU facilities and Multi Organ Transplant Unit (MOTU) facilities are available.


Today we have one of the most successful liver transplant programmes in South Asia.

Some of its landmark achievements are:

  • 1st successful paediatric liver transplant in 1998.
  • 1st successful adult cadaveric transplant in 1998.
  • 1st successful liver transplant for acute liver failure in 1999.
  • 1st combined liver kidney transplant in 1999.
  • 1st successful liver transplant for HIV in 2008.
  • Youngest paediatric liver transplant in India in 2008.
  • 1st successful liver transplant for Hepatitis B without using immunoglobulin 2008.
  • 1st successful liver transplant for Crigler Najjar Syndrome in 2008.
  • 1st successful living liver transplant for portal biliopathy in 2009.
  • 1st international air rescue for a patient with acute liver failure in 2010.
  • Asia’s first en-bloc combined heart & liver transplant, joining a very small set of transplant centres in the world to have done this.
  • 1st simultaneous Liver-Intestine-Pancreas transplant.
  • Since the first successful liver transplant in India in 1998, the Apollo Transplant Programme has performed 21000 kidney transplants and 5600 liver transplants in children and adults till date.
  • Harvested a record 23 organs in a day.
  • Saved the life of 3 individuals; achieved by transplanting the liver of a single Donor into two adult recipients.