About the Liver

  • Liver helps filter and dispose toxic materials from the blood.
  • Liver performs over 500 and odd functions.
  • Liver supports almost every organ in the body and is vital for survival.

The liver is a marvellously resilient and vital organ that plays an indispensable role in nurturing and protecting your body every day with clockwork precision. It has several key functions to perform – it helps filter and dispose toxic materials from the blood, feeds your body the energy it needs to function, wards off infections, produces blood-clotting factors, regulates sex hormones, cholesterol levels and vitamin and mineral supplies in your body. The liver performs over 500 and odd functions, far more than any other organ in your body.

The need of the hour is to fully understand the critical role the liver plays in sustaining complete health. The liver supports almost every organ in the body and is vital for survival. It is tremendously important to understand the central role that the liver plays in maintaining overall good health and vitality – only by doing so, can you identify activities that help or harm this vital organ and do all you can to help protect it.

There are further advantages to understanding your liver better – one, it helps you know exactly what must be done to keep it healthy and two, you will be able to actually cut down your risk of developing not only liver disease but other related health conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases.

The process of caring is dual. Your liver depends on you to take care of it. So, it can in its turn, do a better job of taking care of you. It is an efficient multi-tasker and performs manifold functions – serves as your body’s engine, pantry, refinery, food processor, garbage disposal, trouble shooter and “guardian angel.” As you can see, a healthy liver is the key to achieving a healthy life. The trouble lies in the fact that this indefatigable worker carries out its work silently. Often there’s no hint of trouble and any damage is usually far advanced by the time it makes its presence felt. Currently, there is no artificial organ or device capable of emulating all the functions of the liver. This heightens the importance of maintaining the continual good health of your liver.

Common Liver Conditions

Liver disease can prevent the liver from performing its numerous, vital functions. There are many kinds of liver diseases. Some common diseases of the liver like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are caused by viruses that attack the liver. Still other liver diseases can be the result of drug abuse, exposure to poisons or excessive consumption of alcohol.

Treatment of all liver diseases involves immediate medical care aimed at slowing the progression of the disease, minimizing the symptoms and reducing further complications. Given below is an overview of some of the common liver conditions.

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Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a potentially serious disease that is caused by a virus which attacks the liver.

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Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a potentially serious form of liver inflammation due to infection by the Hepatitis B virus.

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Hepatitis C

Inflammation of the liver caused by infection with HCV is referred to as Hepatitis C.

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Cirrhosis is a chronic, degenerative disease in which normal liver cells are damaged.

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Liver Failure

Liver failure is severe deterioration of liver function.

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Liver Cancer

Liver cancer happens when cells begin to multiply at a faster rate than they should.

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