Breast Cancer

Car T Cell Therapy


T cells are a component of the immune system that the body uses to combat cancer and other
illnesses. Genetically altered T cells are known as chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cells.
Using the ability of altered T cells to locate and eradicate cancer cells, CAR T cell therapy improves
the body's natural barriers against the illness. In the fight against a variety of diseases, such as
lymphomas, leukaemia, and several recurring blood cancers, this contemporary type of
immunotherapy shows promise.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has authorized CAR T cell treatment for
haematological malignancies. To prevent cancer from spreading both initially and over time, CAR T
lymphocytes recognize and destroy cancer cells within a patient's body.


Like blood donation, blood is collected from the patients to separate T cells. These T cells are then
modified in the laboratory under expert supervision to express the Chimeric Antigen Receptor.
Before Car T cell administration, patients need to undergo chemotherapy to prepare their bodies for
Car T cell therapy. Once infused, Car T cells are anticipated to recognize and neutralize resistant
cancer cells by activating the body’s immune system.


Since 2017, the FDA has approved six Car T cell therapies for treating blood cancers like Lymphomas,
certain types of Leukemia and most recently, multiple myeloma.
Patients eligible for Car T cell therapy must meet FDA criteria and be in overall good health to handle
the waiting period and potential side effects. Their T cell health must also be sufficient for successful
treatment. Seeking guidance from an oncologist is crucial to determining eligibility.


  • Shorter treatment time
  • Patients can usually recover well with proper care and observation over 2-3 weeks
  • Quick intervention time and single infusion of Car T cells
  • Demonstrated remission in patients who had previously underwent multiple unsuccessful
    cancer treatments
  • Advantageous in targeting and destroying cancer cells during disease relapse
  • Offers better outcome compared to traditional cancer treatments, potentially leading to
    longer- term remission and improved quality of life

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