Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation - Apollo Cancer Centres

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

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Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation


At Apollo Cancer Centre, we are guided by the unifying mission to improve our patient’s quality of life post-treatment. Recovery begins with appropriate physical therapy and rehabilitation guided and monitored by our team of specialists.

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation encompasses physical, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing of the patient. Our Physical therapists can design individualized exercise and treatment programs to help patients cope with cancer-related problems.

Oncology rehabilitation offers a wide variety of therapies that are designed with the goal of helping patients to build strength, reduce stress, boost endurance, regain independence and maintain the energy needed to continue treatment and participate in daily activities.

Our Rehabilitation team aim to address the following:

  • Decreased strength
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Pain
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Decreased balance
  • Neuropathy (tingling, numbness, pain, or weakness due to nerve damage)
  • Fatigue related to treatment for cancer
  • Scar tissue adhesions
  • Radiation fibrosis

At ACC, we ensure that our patients are provided physical rehabilitation care of the highest standards. Our pursuit of excellence is powered by the following:

A Collaborative Approach : Rehabilitation is an integral part of our Cancer Management Teams leveraging the strengths and expertise of various specialists. This helps us deliver holistic and advanced care to our patients.

Personalized Care : Each patient has very specific needs and when it comes to their care, there is no one size fits all. A customized care plan is prepared by our team, keeping the unique needs of the patient in mind.