Head and Neck Oncology- Apollo Cancer Centres
Bone and Soft Tissue Oncology

Head and Neck

Head and Neck Oncology


Head and neck cancers include cancers in the larynx, throat, lips, mouth, nose, and salivary glands.

These cancers can start —

  • In the sinuses (the spaces around the nose on the inside of the skull).
  • Inside and behind the nose.
  • In the mouth, including the tongue, the gums, and the roof of the mouth.
  • In the back of the mouth and the throat (pharynx), which includes three sections called the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx
  • In the larynx (voice box).
  • On the lips, although cancer on the lips is a type of skin cancer.
  • In the glands that make saliva for the mouth, but those are relatively rare.

Types of head and neck cancer: