Skin Cancer

Thyroid Cancer


  • Surgery used to treat thyroid cancer includes:
    • Lobectomy/Hemi thyroidectomy – In this surgery, only the lobe of the thyroid where the tumour is located is removed, leaving the other lobe of the thyroid intact. This may get recommended in case of a slow-growing small thyroid tumour that has not spread to the nodes. It is done endoscopically or robot-assisted.
    • Total Thyroidectomy – It is the removal of the entire thyroid gland. Lymph nodes in the area of the tumour or in the neck/chest may also be removed. During this surgery, the surgeon preserves the parathyroid gland, which helps regulate the calcium levels in the blood.
    • Lymph node dissection –
      A lymph node dissection is done for thyroid tumours that are present in the thyroid gland and has spread to the lymph nodes. Cancer spreads to the central compartment lymph nodes (the pretracheal, paratracheal, and prelaryngeal lymph nodes) or may spread to lymph nodes in other neck parts (lateral neck node dissection).

  • Thyroid hormone therapy – High TSH levels can stimulate any remaining cancer cells to grow. After thyroidectomy, the doctor may recommend thyroid hormone medication. It compensates for the hormone the thyroid would normally produce and suppresses the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland.

  • Radioactive Iodine Therapy –Radioactive Iodine is given to patients with thyroid cancer after their cancer has been removed. Normal thyroid cells or remnant thyroid cancer cells in the patient’s body absorb and concentrate the radioactive iodine. Since other cells in the body cannot absorb the radioactive iodine, they are unharmed. The thyroid cancer cells, however, will concentrate the radioactive iodine within themselves, and the radioactivity destroys the cell.
  • Recombinant TSH –
    Generally, Radioactive Iodine therapy mandates the stoppage of thyroid replacement medication. This induces hypothyroidism in the patient. To prevent this, an alternate method to raise TSH levels is administering recombinant TSH. This will avoid hypothyroidism.

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