Skin Cancer

Paediatric Sickle Cell Anaemia


  • Hydration and Medications – Drinking 8- 10 glasses of water is recommended. In some cases, the patient may need IV (intravenous) fluids. Medications may be recommended depending on symptoms exhibited.

  • Vaccines and antibiotics – These are used to prevent infections.

  • Folic acid – This helps prevent severe anaemia

  • Hydroxyurea – This medicine that can reduce the sticking of sickle cells in the blood. It reduces complications and painful episodes of sickle cell crises.
  • Blood Transfusions – This is recommended depending on the symptoms exhibited.
  • Stem Cell Transplant – This is recommended in particular cases. Transplants can benefit the child’s overall condition.
  • Regular eye exams – These are done to screen for an eye condition called retinopathy.
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