Skin Cancer

Ovarian Cancer


After investigations depending on if it is an early stage or advanced cancer, further management is decided by the multidisciplinary tumour board. In the case of progressive disease, the patient may be treated with chemotherapy to reduce the tumour size and then operated upon. Surgery aims to remove all macroscopically visible tumours in the abdomen. Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy is a recent advancement in treating patients with advanced ovarian cancers.

  • Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctors offer various surgical options are offered to the patient.

  • Unilateral Oophorectomy – Surgery to remove one ovary – Surgery for early-stage cancer that hasn’t spread beyond one ovary, surgery may involve removing the affected ovary and its fallopian tube. This procedure may preserve the patient’s ability to have children.
  • Bilateral Oophorectomy – Surgery to remove both ovaries – If cancer is present in both the ovaries, but there are no signs of additional cancer, the surgeon may remove both ovaries and both fallopian tubes. This procedure leaves the uterus intact, so you may still be able to become pregnant using your own frozen embryos or eggs or with eggs from a donor.

  • Total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy –
    Surgery to remove both ovaries and the uterus with the fallopian tubes. Suppose your cancer is more extensive, or you don’t wish to preserve the uterus. In that case, the surgeon will remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and nearby lymph nodes with or without bowel resection.

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