Breast Cancer

Mediastinal Tumors


The Mediastinum is a portion of the thoracic cavity which that contains the Heart, Thymus gland, and portions of the Trachea and Esophagus.

Risk Factors

Mediastinal tumors are rare. In which area of the Mediastinum the tumors will develop often depends on the age of the patient.

Signs and Symptoms

In most mediastinal tumors, there are no symptoms. The tumors go undiagnosed until the need for a chest X-ray.


  • EBUS- Endobronchial ultrasound is an outpatient procedure where a small tube is entered into the nostrils and reached into the windpipe to assess the adjacent structures around it.


  • Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS).


  • How common are mediastinal tumors?
  • Can a mediastinal mass be benign?
  • What is the most common complication of mediastinoscopy?

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