FAQs of Lung Cancer | Apollo Cancer Centres
Skin Cancer

Lung Cancer


    The advantage of minimally invasive surgery over conventional surgery are:

  • Early recovery

  • Less postoperative pain

  • Early resumption of daily routine

  • Minimal blood loss

  • Lesser morbidity & mortality and hence better clinical outcomes

  • Smaller surgical scar compared to the one post conventional surgery

Lung cancers grow and spread rapidly. This is one reason that by the time a patient presents at the healthcare facility for intervention, cancer would have already spread within the organ, and/or to other organs. Early symptoms mimic an infection like the common cold or other such conditions.

Smoking causes lung cancer by damaging the cells that line the lungs. Smoke contains carcinogens (cancer causing substances) which induce changes in the lung tissue almost immediately.

Initially, this damage can be repaired by the body, but with each repeated exposure, normal cells that line the lungs are increasingly damaged. Over time, the damage causes cells to act abnormally and eventually leads to the development of cancer.

The best way to diagnose and cure lung cancer is to undergo periodic low dose CT scan. Healthy people with an increased risk of lung cancer may be screened once a year through low-dose CT scans.

Screening LD-CT scans has been the game changer in the management of lung cancer worldwide, and reduces the death rate by approximately 20%.

Lung cancer is the most common form of disease in the world, and 90 percent of the cases are caused by cigarette smoking. Across the world, it kills nearly 1.2 million people a year.

  • Quit smoking

  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise regularly

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