Skin Cancer

Ileum Cancer

Ileum Cancer Risk Factors

  • Sex- Men are at a higher risk
  • Age- More common in people over the age of 60
  • Smoking increases the risk of Ileal cancer
  • Alcohol consumption increases the risk of Ileal cancer
  • Diets high in red meat and salted or smoked foods increase the risk of Ileal cancer
  • Inherited syndromes – People with certain inherited conditions like

    • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
    • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS)
    • Hereditary NonpolyPosis Colon Cancer (HNPCC)
  • Autoimmune Conditions – Autoimmune inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s Disease and Celiac sprue increase the risk of small bowel cancers

  • Immunosuppression- People who are immunosuppressed (post-organ transplant or in conditions like HIV) are at a higher risk of developing Ileal cancers.