Skin Cancer

Gallbladder Cancer


  • There are two types of surgeries for gallbladder cancer:
    • Potentially Curative Surgery for resectable tumors
      • Open cholecystectomy – removal of the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy. Usually an open cholecystectomy is preferred for gallbladder tumors.
      • Extended (radical) cholecystectomy – In more advanced tumors, the gallbladder along with a wedge of adjacent liver tissue and regional lymph nodes are removed totally.
      • Multi-visceral/ Liver resection- In certain advanced gallbladder cancers when the tumor has spread to adjacent organs including the liver, resection of the gallbladder tumor along with involved organs like liver, duodenum and colon may be done.
        Such advanced surgical resections are done only in selective patients by highly experienced surgeons.

    • Palliative surgery to relieve symptoms in unresectable tumors- In certain advanced cases of gallbladder cancer causing gastric outlet obstruction or bowel obstruction, a bypass procedure may be suggested.

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