Breast Cancer

Bladder Cancer


Bladder Cancer most often begins in the cells (urothelial cells) that line the inside of the bladder. This cancer typically affects older adults. It is usually diagnosed early and is highly treatable.

Risk Factors

The causes and risk factors of bladder cancer include:

  • Smoking
  • Chronic bladder problems Infections due to long-term catheterization
  • Exposure to certain industrial components.

Signs and Symptoms

Following are the symptoms of Bladder Cancer:

  • Hematuria – Blood in the urine
  • Non-visible hematuria – Presence of blood cells in the urine, detectable only by lab tests.


  • Imaging
    • Ultrasound – It is a non-invasive scanning technique. Ultrasound images are created using sound waves and are able to gather real-time images of both anatomy and function. It helps us in the initial evaluation of urinary bladder to look for any solid tumor.


TURBT (Transurethral bladder tumor resection) – The surgeon inserts a tool called Resectoscope through the urethra to reach the inside of the bladder. This tool has a surgical loop on it that resects or cuts off a sample of the tumor tissue or in some cases resects the entire tumor from the bladder.


  • Is bladder cancer curable if diagnosed early?
  • Where does bladder cancer spread first?
  • What are the types of bladder cancer?
  • What are the different stages of bladder cancer?

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